20 days, that's amazing Phillip!
You feel you might slip, but remember - you're the son of the king. Should the king's son wallow in the mud where all the lowest goyim spend their lives and eternity ? Think of all the low-lifes who desire these things. What could already be so good about it, if the lowest of the low desire it?
Look in a mirror. See yourself in third person, from the outside, as if you were looking at someone else who desired this. Feel bad for him. And think to yourself "Do I care what someone else wants?" Be mechazek the Jew in the mirror, and tell him that
it will pass. Life is just a dream. And if you hold out for a litle bit, the urge will pass. Trust me. It seems hard to believe but it is true!
As a last resort, there's the two "Turn Off Pages". See Tip #11 on
this page.
One of the previous Karlin Rebbe's was once served an expensive dish of cooked pigeon. When he felt he was being pulled after the desire to eat it, he stopped himself and began to think about all the places the bird hung out, in garbage, in excrement. And he thought about the things the bird ate, worms, insects, until the Rebbe began to gag and pushed away the plate.
This is a segulah when desperate.
Davka when the struggle is hard and all seems dark, that's when you are shooting up to the highest madregos. You just don't feel it, but it's an opportune time to ask hashem for whatever you need. Call to him for help. He is right next to you.
"Jack" once posted: in order to really live, we must kill ourselves. sound like an oxymoron? well it's a chazal that everybody knows. Horotze lichyos, yamis es atzmo! and for ANY addict, not succumbing to the temptation is like dying. And no one wants to die alone, right? We need someone to be there with us. Well, we on the forum are with you while you 'kill yourself'. but it's really living. The alcoholic says 'if i don't have another drink, I'm going to die'. But in reality, that next drink will kill him.