Be strong, my Holy chaver. Dont be too hard on yourself - this is all about PROGRESS, NOT PERFECTION. As Human beings, we all go through the rollercoaster of ups and downs, heights and falls. We are not Malachim. don't expect to be. Just take one day at a time.
An excellent way to work on BREAKING the CONTROL the YH has on oneself, is to do a daily routine of NOT giving in to all of your desires. The Raavid (I believe) has a Taanis that is easy, yet very powerful. This is brought down in the Rabbeinu Yonah's Yesod HaTeshuvah found in the Rosh Hashanah Machzorim. At the end of each meal, 3 x per day, leave over the last bite or two of each item you are eating and drinking. Dont take it off at the beginning, but at the end, so it is from that which you were anticipating to finish. Leave it over, and think or say "I am leaving this food over so as NOT to fulfill my desire to it's fullest, L'Tzorach Borei, in Honor of my Creator." It's not Baal Tashchis, cuz it has a purpose.
This method get's one used to not answering to all his teivos, every day, three times a day. It is EXTREMELY POWERFUL. You will be re-wiring your mind to avoid temptation, and in a simple way. Doing this for at least one month straight, every day but Shabbos (no taanis on Shabbos - ask your Rav about Yom Tov) will have an immediate effect that you will FEEL deep inside.
I hope I get to know you better over time on the forum. So PLEASE POST POST POST!!