Truth is, in every part of avodas H-shem, our perspective should
ideally be that this is our one and only interest in the world, and our entire existence is only about this. But realistically (although this is 100% possible for anyone who is determined) this is a very high level, and not expected from people.
You seem to be struggling with many areas of avodas H-shem, besides the big monster.
Everything has it's place and time.
Right now, you have to put your focus on staying clean till you feel you have a good handle on staying away from not only the shmutz, but more importantly - the things which you find lead you there. Take everything else as secondary for now.
You are all about escaping now.
b"h i'm feeling more upbeat and am determined to beat the y"h
This is awesome, but don't get too confident.
although i know that he will keep trying his dirty tricks on me- suppose i'll just have to keep davening and trying my best!
And that's what will ultimately get you through this.
We're all with you here, BSD!!!!!!