We love you gettingHelp. Your honesty in facing this monster within is refreshing! Stick with us and we'll do all we can to help you!
I want you to know that I restricted your account only for your soul. Your soul can continue posting here, and read the other men's posts, and continue to get and give Chizuk. However, I did limit the account to your Yetzer hara, who you anyway don't want. As you know, with an addiction, the yetzer hara is so sly, so sneeky, so insidious and plays so dirty, that I wanted to limit his ability to bother you and give you crazy ideas. I wanted your soul to feel safe on this forum - and be able to use it only for Teshuvah and Chizuk, without being afraid from yourself.
I would usually block such a strong yetzer Hara from our forum altogether, but I hear your Yetzer Tov calling out for help with true sincerity and I want to give him a chance.
Please continue with therapy and please STRONGLY consider joining an all-men 12-Step SA group in your area. You need still to get more help than just therapy and posting on our forum.
We want to help you, we are here for you.