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Thread of Josephsbrother
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

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Re: Thread of Josephsbrother 26 Feb 2016 02:12 #279334

  • Josephsbrother
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Day 72:  battle began in 1972. Many victorious days, weeks and years, but once in a while impulsive set backs, now I am seeing better the weak spots in the wall of my life.  My Watchman spirit must be ready to give warning.  I must seek a constant prayer with Him. Let Him keep it fresh.
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Re: Thread of Josephsbrother 26 Feb 2016 02:20 #279337

  • Josephsbrother
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Day 73:  Singing often droves the all desire for looking away. Also success lining up some new customers, now working places them in a working order.  Mind were so occupied, tempation did not come. 
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Re: Thread of Josephsbrother 27 Feb 2016 13:44 #279445

  • Josephsbrother
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Day 74: The powerful nano second victory!  When the battle is intense, and seconds count, down to parts of a second, to have mind and soul fully engaged in moving the right direction with only one focus direction of action.  Just the look not twice, or one statement of choice takes many nano seconds of seconds. I will go for a glass of water, prayer, do a good deed of mischief, focus the mind on any good action, head toward it, by the time you are done, thousands of nano seconds have past of victory, without having to think about time.  Let us win I the smallest unit present time, and pre sent present action in powerful success strenght for future action.  When a day is too long, and even the hour causes us to tremble with temptation.
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Re: Thread of Josephsbrother 28 Feb 2016 03:48 #279491

  • Josephsbrother
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Day 75: A Shabbat, lots of Torah, and time with my boys, I explain to my boys about hormones, how they build, and desire for the opposite sex increases at that time, we taught them and remind them of their hormones and how they function, that way they know why they are attracted to the opposite sex, and that all female must pass through an Rebecca test first, in our family presence, and they need to be ready for a test of other family, right now mother is putting them in the test of discipline, of what a woman requires of a man as a wife, I to get my share of lessons, and reminders, I definitely need some of my wife's classes, somehow My parents did not give me enough training.  Today daddy, played with his sons, after some study time of Torah, and some worship in music.
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Re: Thread of Josephsbrother 29 Feb 2016 13:21 #279651

  • Josephsbrother
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1976 to 1980 may days and years of victory, in a college of spiritual knowledge, helping other to a wholistic lifestyle our Maker, and now with all those lessons, and the few gain here I am ready for 90days and beyond. After leaving that set apart place, sometimes I would short periods of falls.  Then periods of victory.   Now with this and new  methods of action, I am more able to see that it ever need to conquer me again. Yet it is only one day, one nano second at a time.  The present time is the time of now, it is my conscious existance, and so now is the only time where for my future victory I must and will succeed.  Day 76.
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Re: Thread of Josephsbrother 01 Mar 2016 04:53 #279765

  • Josephsbrother
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Day 77, Chose a new Facebook guest, base on the friends she had I thought it would be good, yet her first post changed my mind, I reported post, and cancel her link to me, no second notice, I return this sister of Adams family to our Elohim, for she need to not seek attention via showing off part of her body.  I pray for her, I was in a great spiritual part of my day, it was an easy decision, not that I want Any tougher ones!   It was our Maker who made beauty, I am glad He is my tester, all tests come by One's decision. Oh great One Your wisdom is more beautiful than this lady, so quickly I solved this issue.
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Re: Thread of Josephsbrother 02 Mar 2016 11:46 #279919

  • Josephsbrother
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Day 78:  Some jobs finished, out drumming up more business. The circle of life, lots of pretty women to flirt with. Which one compares with my queen, which one has to beauty of wisdom of proverbs, beauty of skin, does not make them kin in mind and heart.  Who is their husband, father, children, are they faithful to their own.  Mine is faithful to me every day we share not only as only married but the details of life are as many as all get unique birthmarks, and birthmarks in strangers are hard to imagine.
I may ask other women what is your life purpose, what kind of work does your husband do?  I will watch how she raises her kids, I am not going to judge her as someone else's mate, but I know the apple tree I have in the forest of men, I know the work I have put in my woman, and her with I to me, she is my treasure, and I know I am hers.  She knows what I give to my queen, and I I know what she is giving as wife and mother, for me her prices is above rubies.  Mine is not expected to be perfect either, I only require perfection on my Elohim, more than once a day I expect for the blessings of Jacob, I will not let our Maker go from the Everlasting Covenant.  I am pleased to say I have had the presence of Ruach Kodesh with me.  Even if I had to live as Job, righteousness is worth never having anything but just One's companionship!!  It would be very difficult, but to be right in spirit and soul, to love as G-d loves, no matter what matter is lost is my highest goal my life.  I hope and pray that it will not take that among other humans I work with.
Reguarding women, I will not be a crippled man, tempted by their beauty, and having no power to control myself in their presence, and I will  be a watchman among man, giving them a higher example of lifestyle, without putting my nose down at them, their families, their choices, their environment.  The world looks for the Josephs, the Daniels, the Eliyahus, the power of an ample example is still the world need.  I can only turn to our Almighty, for I am a babe in dealing with lust.  I am glad that on this site I have a hint of greatest of the sons of men like Moses.  Finally secretly I shall no more steal a forbidden look, but secretly, I shall find a way to even bless that family.  For in my world good shall peaceful win voluntarily conquer all evil.  First evil to be removed is that is in me.

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Last Edit: 02 Mar 2016 11:51 by Josephsbrother.

Re: Thread of Josephsbrother 03 Mar 2016 03:08 #280053

  • Josephsbrother
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Day 79:  I remind myself that as Creator speaks Hia word give us accomplishing power, we can move forward in wisdom. His call is our enabling. Today again my prayers were answered.  When a tough day comes, I know I need a reminder of His sureness.
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Re: Thread of Josephsbrother 04 Mar 2016 05:23 #280215

  • Josephsbrother
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Day 80: The maintaining power of our Creator is sure too, ours Is to keep close to our One, and our desires are fixed in His presences.  One necessity, remaining in Him.  In the conscious full breath I receive and give of myself to Him, in the water drinking, especially purified 8-16 cups with benonight clay, or some other important herb, or essential oil.  In the thankful prayer after meals of lots of raw foods, many varieties over time and season, usually around 3 or four at a meal. As often as possible in season, and local, for cost and freshest,  Always aiming toward the garden of Eden, when man lived 900 years, yet Torah gives us many laws to work within.  The sleep before midnight is worth twice as much as the sleep after midnight. When taxed, a power nap at noon give the body a small gift of growth hormone for repair. Sleep is a special gift of our Maker, I love to labor for sleep physically, for the sleep of a laboring man is sweet. Morning and evening worship at sun rise or sunset, especially in decending moon from day 22 to 29, or 30. This is a very valuable hormone regulator.  Also day 8 to 10 are my new testing ground.  When days are hot it is not great to be in full sun for many hours unless you are conditioned and especially not eating a junk food diet.  When we are among kings get our spiritual knife out and watch to not eat the wealthy mans junk food, why buy foods with no value.  Let our temperance be our safe road, no extremes, mainly plenty in season, and fresh and local.  Prayer and songs of inspiration often, Torah mediated on to guide our minds. Shema a vital experience in lifestyle.  Unless our Maker build our house we labor in vain to build it.
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Last Edit: 04 Mar 2016 05:26 by Josephsbrother.

Re: Thread of Josephsbrother 06 Mar 2016 07:11 #280412

  • Josephsbrother
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Day 81 A Shabbat always and easier day.
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Re: Thread of Josephsbrother 06 Mar 2016 13:33 #280430

  • Josephsbrother
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Day 82:  Why did our Maker create our eyes if we can only want to see the beauty of women for evil? I was blessed to find and read a Jewish folklore story!  A Treasury of Jewish Folklore by Nathan Ausubel page 76.
Title of short story, Love of perfection.  
Rabbi Simeon Ben Gamaliel once stood on Mount Moriah and saw a woman pass by.  She was unusually beautiful.  As he looked at her Rabbi Simeon exclaimed, "Wondrous indeed is your handiwork, Almighty G-d."  Did Rabbi Simeon grow enthusiastic over the woman?  No, he only admired the perfection of the Creator's handiwork.
If her beauty is so stunning it may grip the soul, then quickly before her Maker may I humble admit His creation is perfect.  While the art work is amazing, it is the artist that is to be honor for the excellence.  I will with all my heart follow Him, for in the invisible realm of His existence the beauty seen is apart of the glory of His presence, and such similar beauty is ours only if we return the blessing of sight from His hand to Him, and He can give the same beauty to us in a righteous different dimension.
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Last Edit: 06 Mar 2016 13:38 by Josephsbrother. Reason: 2nd correction

Re: Thread of Josephsbrother 07 Mar 2016 02:02 #280528

  • Josephsbrother
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A nice day, I had it easy today, so I prayer for the rest of you, I pressed the Throne room for all of you, maybe any day I'm our future I could use your prayers.  Day 83.
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Last Edit: 07 Mar 2016 02:02 by Josephsbrother.

Re: Thread of Josephsbrother 08 Mar 2016 03:20 #280623

  • Josephsbrother
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Day 84: I work for family, it is much easier with this purpose.
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Re: Thread of Josephsbrother 09 Mar 2016 05:09 #280756

  • Josephsbrother
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Day 85:  There is victory over lust, our Maker is creating continually, deeds of kindness, and my 90 days have been following His example in kindness, doing public and secret kindness gave me a higher purpose than M.  As a candle burns the wick, so I used the energies of lust to do kindness, what an amazing return of nonguilt to me.  I hope with every choice will and is a part of my honor.
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Re: Thread of Josephsbrother 09 Mar 2016 21:43 #280869

  • doingtshuva
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don't give up.
fight, surrender, pray,
 *  NO, It's not all or nothing, just every bit counts!
 *  I failed yesterday, and I might fail tomorrow. But just for today I'm going to give it a try.
 *  Being curios made me lust and get into trouble.

אָמַר רבי יוחנן: אֵבֶר קָטָן יֵשׁ לוֹ לָאָדָם, מַרְעִיבוֹ = שָׂבֵעַ, מַשְׂבִּיעוֹ = רָעֵב

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