I am glad my Ipad is up again, that my internet service I up again. The last few days I have been working a lot, or seeking for replacement work. Enjoying family, what a great protector of avoiding secret vice. Talking and walking with my Creator as my best friend, having many little answers to my prayers is filling my souls need, and Any time the battle of the eyes come, all this past and present history with Elohim, my best and only Infinite Friend, this makes a huge difference in me keeping righteousness my life goal. I cannot change the big things of life, so I love to focus on the little things, Correct posture in sitting, standing, and work is another little big thing that keeps me focused. Drinking 8 glasses of water or up to a gallon of water per day. For me a well balance vegetarian diet, with lots of raw fresh foods, locally grown, is a growing factor I my rebuilding my body to better health, Lots of exercise, lots of Acts of kidness. My prayers are for each one who come to the site, I can briefly pray for the ones I can see on one of the opening pages at the bottom. We can do it, and we have lots of help on this site, with as much personal counseling here on site, and by phone as we have need.