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We're gonna do this!
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

TOPIC: We're gonna do this! 40412 Views

Re: We're gonna do this! 19 Jan 2016 22:33 #274911

  • iwant2begood
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Hi guys today is day 34 bh I'm still clean. It's getting easier everyday. My davening is getting better and so is my learning . I finally feel a connection to hashem again !!

Re: We're gonna do this! 20 Jan 2016 02:15 #274940

  • Josephsbrother
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As We direct our personal steps, the certainty of our way will be established. We can plan yet each day our Sovereign can overrule our path for our good.
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Last Edit: 20 Jan 2016 12:10 by Josephsbrother. Reason: Corrections

Re: We're gonna do this! 23 Jan 2016 16:57 #275261

  • iwant2begood
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Gut Voch! Today is day 38 bh everything is going well. The problem is that I'm white knuckling the lust instead of letting go and letting god. Any advice??

Re: We're gonna do this! 24 Jan 2016 02:17 #275267

  • Josephsbrother
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iwant2begood wrote:
Gut Voch! Today is day 38 bh everything is going well. The problem is that I'm white knuckling the lust instead of letting go and letting god. Any advice??

in Him we breathe, live and move, at night before bed, with thanks commit your soul to the Life giver, then in the morning, before you arise, thank your Maker for breath and strength of effort, then worship the One, have your devotions in Torah, commit your way into the One who is ready to direct your steps, then move in His strength.
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Re: We're gonna do this! 24 Jan 2016 07:01 #275297

  • iwant2begood
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I'll give it a try!

Re: We're gonna do this! 24 Jan 2016 22:14 #275353

  • iwant2begood
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Today is day 39. Had kind of a tough day today (emotionally a lot of stress and anxiety). I was on Dovs phone Confrence, I'm starting slowly to learn how to give up control to hashem and let him do the work for me. I'm also working it through with my sponsor (he's very kind and supportive). Had a great day good luck!!!

Re: We're gonna do this! 25 Jan 2016 04:40 #275386

iwant2begood wrote:
Gut Voch! Today is day 38 bh everything is going well. The problem is that I'm white knuckling the lust instead of letting go and letting god. Any advice??

I'm glad to hear that you're doing so well. I wanted to make 2 points:
"Letting go and letting G-D" is apparently not something you accomplish overnight. I quote from the GYE Handbook (Part 1, Tool 15):

Step 3: "We made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of G-D as we understood him". This is the core of the program, where we completely surrender our lives and will over to our Higher Power. "Let Go & Let G-D"...
The rest of the 12 steps are really about how to do step 3 properly. No one ever succeeds in completely giving their lives and will over to Hashem, but through the other steps of the program we consistenly grow in that direction...

It seems that you are learning about the 12 steps through the phone conferences, but I would say that as long as haven't reached the point where you can really "Let go & let G-D" then of course you should at least whiteknuckle the lust. This may not be your long term solution, but for today it can work.

This brings me to my 2nd point. I don't think you necessarily need to be "whiteknuckling" lust even if you're not following the 12 steps. There are other techniques and attitudes that may help you more easily get over your lust without fighting head-on.
I will quote here what I wrote elsewhere on the forums:

Welcome! Glad you decided to jump on the 90 day truck.
A perspective that has helped me immensely is when I realized that I need to shift my focus about this struggle. Until recently it was always a "religious issue". In other words, I really want all this shmutz and had I not been frum I would indulge myself in all these taavos and the only thing stopping me is because I know it's wrong. This is guaranteed to fail!
I learned to understand that I don't want to lust because life is hell with it, as you yourself attested to. Even if I wasn't frum, my lust will never be satisfied with porn, masturbating etc. And so I will forever be on chase for sex stimulation in some form or other and will always be miserable. So I've come to realize - I don't want to lust because I want to live a happy and content life!

This perspective has been a game changer because I really don't feel like I'm whiteknuckling for the most part. This is not to say that I don't lust at all or get aroused, but I don't feel like I'm fighting head-on because it's not so much Me vs the YH anymore since the real ME doesn't want it either.

Another potentially helpful technique is something called "Urge Surfing". I plan on writing on this more one of these days in the "Break Free" section, as I haven't really seen much written up about this. But for the meantime you may want to Google "What is urge surfing" and you'll find a lot of literature on this technique which essentially teaches you to sort of "surf" over the wave of lust instead of going against it head-on.
I hope you find some of what I wrote here helpful. I wish you continued Hatzlachah!
Feel free to email me at BenTorah.BaalHabayis@gmail.com

1 day may be too long for me, but I take it OWAAT = One wave at a time, cause the lust comes and goes like a wave which rises and crashes.

Re: We're gonna do this! 25 Jan 2016 08:32 #275393

  • iwant2begood
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Thank you for your beautiful advice! You basically put my thoughts into words. Hatzlocha

Re: We're gonna do this! 25 Jan 2016 19:24 #275429

  • iwant2begood
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Today is day 40. I'm feeling very down and depressed. It hard for me to concentrate or socialize.its probably a withdrawal symptoms, but it's hitting me really hard. I find that the longer I'm sober the harder it gets. Is this normal?? Am I doing something wrong??

Re: We're gonna do this! 25 Jan 2016 22:22 #275436

  • iwant2begood
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It for sure was! It was filling up the hole of facing reality. It's very hard to face it. I'm working on it everyday day.

Re: We're gonna do this! 27 Jan 2016 13:43 #275612

  • iwant2begood
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Day 42. Having kind of a tough day but keeping strong . No pain no gain!

Re: We're gonna do this! 28 Jan 2016 23:37 #275878

  • iwant2begood
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Day 43. Today was a bit hard but I started learning not to control and leave it up to hashem. I'm only an actor not the director. I spent some time with friends that helped a little and was in contact with my sponsor which helped tons. This addiction is not an easy one to brake free of but were gonna prevail!! Hatzlocha!!

Re: We're gonna do this! 29 Jan 2016 00:20 #275881

  • cordnoy
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iwant2begood wrote on 28 Jan 2016 23:37:
Day 43. Today was a bit hard but I started learning not to control and leave it up to hashem. I'm only an actor not the director. I spent some time with friends that helped a little and was in contact with my sponsor which helped tons. This addiction is not an easy one to brake free of but were gonna prevail!! Hatzlocha!!

Readin' the good books.
My email: thenewme613@hotmail.com
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My job: Punchin' bag of GYE - "NeshamaInCharge"
Quote from the chevra: "Is Cordnoy truly a Treasure Island pirate from the Southern Seas?"


Re: We're gonna do this! 29 Jan 2016 14:44 #275955

  • iwant2begood
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Day 44. Have a wonderful and beautiful shabbos!

Re: We're gonna do this! 30 Jan 2016 21:20 #275982

  • iwant2begood
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Gut Voch! Day 45. Shabbos was great I spent some time with friends. Shabbos night I had a strong urge but so I got out of bed read a little and went back to sleep. Bh life is getting better better ! I could finally sit down and learn I could enjoy a conversation......... Hatzlocha on the new week!
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