7 days of victory, blessed be Abba, I am still trying to get the flow of all these window. it is a good thing I have been a counsellor for years because while there are blessings and info here, the site is too confusing. Yet we and especially me as a man still have a lot of my own failures, and faults. So being so human I can be patient, and have a high amount of compassion on others. It is also good that while my time has been short here, I have a history of victory that can not be trace on these pages. I have personally found that drinking lots of the freshes water available to me keeps the body toxin level down, and thus all cravings are easier to stop. I thrist not for fluids, for water is my main drink, it improves the power of choice. It reminds me of the water of life in HaShem and Torah, and from Proverbs, and Tehillim I daily drink, it is totality refreshing for me, Please do not get parched in your wilderness as you leave Egypt. As it is easy to decended to drink from the pools of lust, so to be filled with fresh water from the mountain, from flowing streams, with lots of oxygen in it, what a blessing to me. I have also drank deeply in Torah, and in my personal connection with Abba. So that the desire for any impulsive fling with our own imagination has been lessen, at least that has been how it is working for me. Yet I need to yet continue to guard of my eyes, to stay with Adoni, our Soveign. Here is why I love this site, an anointing oil of encouragement to guard our eyes. To my new friends. To the end and all new beginnings, so glad we share, Live long and prosper.