From my understanding, I think that there is some confusion here. Maybe Elya will clarify.
My understanding was that the above mentioned is called "falls" not slips. When you go beyond your cut off, i.e. you will not be motzei L'vataleh, and you did.....this is a fall and you start the chart at the beginning. If you only started masturbating and then stopped before the motzei......this is a "slip", and you do not fall off of the charts.
If for you viewing porn intentionally is the bottom, then if you only viewed in unintentionally, this would be a slip,not a FALL (unless you didn't stop).
so "slips" are either, we did something unintentionally, or we began to do something wrong, but we didn't go all of the way. We stopped ourselves. These are slips, and we stay on the charts.
But, when we went all of the way....even once, this is a fall, and we start all over again.