I fell on Friday with P but no M. I have been falling about once a week now for a month or two. I have listened to AA recordings on the big book but I feel like since I haven't done the inventories and don't have a good guide I didn't get the full benefit.
I am going to try to write every day except Friday to give me some space to think about what I am doing.
I am still in school and working in an externship which is both good and bad. I am doing real work which is good, but I sometimes feel that my supervisor is ultimately responsible so that if I waste a little time (often looking at personal finance websites or blogs, but wasting time often leads to looking for things I shouldn't) it's not the end of the world. I want to get out of this habit for two reasons: (1) I personally want to be the type of person who gets things done responsibly, quickly, and reliably, and (2) it bothers my wife when she hears that I have wasted time at work.
This is one of the areas outside of shmiras enayim that I am working on and I have been somewhat successful by using a timer to give myself 1 hour uninterrupted periods of work. But, after such a period, I often "reward" myself with a too-long break and yatza scharo behefseido.
I have been working on my tefillah and I saw an eitzah that has helped a lot, making sure to translate at least every three or four words. This is good but I still feel like a hypocrite when I come back to Hashem approximately once a week to ask for another round of forgiveness.
I would also like to get in to deeper learning. I still do daf yomi and go to a halacha shiur once a week which goes through the shulchan aruch and the nosei keilim, but it's not as satisfying as those rare times when I taste real iyun learning. This is something I have wanted and struggled with for a long time, but haven't found (or tried?) a solution for.
For future posts I will probably focus more on the daily struggles but just wanted to catch up again and say that my struggles are not just with P and M but generally with wasting time and being concerned with things that have no relevance to my life or are in fact antithetical to the life I want to lead, and yet I can't stop myself from just taking a "peek" or a "quick look."