This may be completely obvious to everyone else here... but here 'goes... I really think that if I am feeling the need to mark each day (e.g. 34 yesterday! 35 today! 36 tomorrow!) then it's actually a sign that I'm not mentally in the right place. Of course, it's good to get chizzuk from counting (and it's important to recognize successes), but I don't think it's best for the counting to become the ikkar... because then I'm getting away from "what got me here", i.e. accepting that I have a lust problem and constantly being on guard... I mean, I want to have "beaten it" - but what's more important, thinking I have a victory that I probably don't have anyway, or continuing to acknowledge my achrayus to not lust, to stay sane in order to properly be ovaid Hashem? It's just another variation on our favorite theme - please, Hashem, let's just get it right today.