I'm the guy from
this story.
I need some chizuk, Hashem Yitbarach is putting me through the paces but I feel these tests are way out of my league.
I just returned home today from 3 plus weeks away from home and you all know just how close to the edge I came after a year.
Anyway I gave my wife a hug and a little present, made dinner for the kids, and went to out for 1o minutes.
I arrived home and my wife, who is still breastfeeding told me she just got her period. I know that Hashem knows I can do this, I am not so sure I share his optimism.
I so dont want to mess this up!!!
I have discoved 3 things that I finally understand and would like to share with you.
1- If we listen to Rebbe Nachman and live only this moment to its fullest then a week or a month or even a year are all the same, because you are only living one day and dealing with its challenges. Tommorrow doesent even feature, as soon as you think like I wrote in the first line that I am not certain I can last that long that is SITRA ACHRA!!!
2- a person only sins if a RUACH SHTUT enters him. I saw when I was willing to take a chance on a years work, my wifes faith in me, and the dispair that was obviously waiting for the sin, that this is litteral. It finally makes sense how the Y"H gets his foot in the door, he makes you thaink that whatever you see now as a reality is the only reality and that it will last forever. People commit suicide over monetary matters that any person with eyes in his head knows how it comes and goes. I think the RUACH SHTUT is that a person loses sight of that all that he sees is now and that is all he can act on. If he thinks I have no money now and this will be forever, then he will dispair and seek an outlet for his dispair and fustration. We all know which outlet the Y"H wants him to use.
3-If you can read "the garden of peace" by Rav Shalom Arush (translated by Rav Brody). It puts the role of the husband in a totally differant light than you have ever seen. It doesn't really talk about sexuality but anyone with eyes in their head will realise just how warped the Modern veiw of males and sex really is. I also heard this lecture by Rav Moshe New from Chabad.org, it made me understnd on a spiritual level what a woman is.
here is the link
www.chabad.org/multimedia/media_cdo/aid/411680/jewish/Kabbalah-and-The-Da-Vinci-Code.htm Also with you guys here, I feel I am able to draw coach from you even though we have never met.