Yesterday was a big day for me. I was sitting in my house alone and I just got out of the shower. I remembered I wanted to delete something off of my Youtube account, a song I had posted because I am a musician. Before I got dressed I was on my ipad and on youtube. I accomplished my goal but then began to drift a bit. Within seconds I had a video up of two girls. I briefly thought this might not be a good idea before I clicked it but then said to myself "its only youtube". Yea Right! Three seconds into the video it was equivalent to a mock porno. I became aroused and then was like oooooooo damn. Thanks to GYE and my progress on this site, today Im at 6o days, I was able to have the strength to realize that ONE more second of this was going to turn into loss of control. I turned it off immediately and said to myself "Im not being sucked into this temporal pleasure." Thanks but no thanks. And this was another Success on my journey to 90!