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TOPIC: iPod touch 1539 Views

iPod touch 19 May 2013 10:26 #207342

  • mickeymussar
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Hi Everyone,

I just made it to 100 days! I was only able to do it by cutting out TV, which I plan on continuing indefinitely.

Today was my birthday and my parents (because I suggested it) wanted to get me an iPod touch. When I told my wife she gave me a look and asked whether I thought it was a good idea. This was right before shabbos, after I had ordered it online. I got freaked out and wanted to cancel the order but it is too late. Even with the safeguard of having my wife enter the code and turning off the internet, I am still afraid that I wanted it for the wrong reasons and that it will be a tremendous time-waster for me. I already have a nano, so I can listen to music, the only bonus of the touch is the camera (good) and the possibility for games and internet (bad) which my wife and I have decided we never want to use. I also put my nano through the washing machine and have to turn down the volume through a menu instead if the buttons, but otherwise it functions exactly the same as before.

I think I should return the iPod touch it right when I get it, but I'm wondering if the filters that are out there are adequate to protect me from myself. (I borrowed my mom's the other day and found myself trying to find ways to waste time and had to control myself from visiting inappropriate sites which I haven't had to do for a while on my filtered computer.)

Can anyone share personal experience with iPod touch or iPhone that could help me decide whether to return it right away? (I really don't need this I just wanted a new toy.)


Re: iPod touch 19 May 2013 10:30 #207343

  • Liveman
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I got an iPad is my advice food enough?

Re: iPod touch 19 May 2013 10:35 #207345

  • mickeymussar
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sure I just didn't think of all the possibilities.

Re: iPod touch 19 May 2013 10:37 #207346

  • Liveman
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I am a member of GYE because of my iPad, if you know what I mean!

Re: iPod touch 19 May 2013 10:40 #207347

  • mickeymussar
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that's not encouraging - except in the sense of encouraging me to return the iPod right away.

Re: iPod touch 19 May 2013 10:46 #207348

  • Liveman
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Look I can only share with you my experience, I do have a filter but the filter really makes the iPad like useless forcing me to turn on safari and then........ So yea to use an iPod iPad as a TOY?
Not advising you but telling you what I am going thru

Re: iPod touch 20 May 2013 02:08 #207380

  • chachaman
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The iPod touch, in my view, is very bad. I still have one though. Basically, I think on this page is where I talked about my experiences with difficulty in filtration:


Basically, if you don't have one, then you really don't need one. If you need to check your email, you can do that on a computer. If you need a camera, there are plenty available for cheap. If you need the shas in your pocket...well, at first you think "I'm going to be using my iPod for Torah!" and then it quickly goes down, down, downhill from there.

DON'T GET IT. Even if you don't fall because of it, it's huge huge huge bittul zman and is pretty addicting; also, it can be difficult to filter.

Please, for my sake, return it as soon as it comes. You've lived without it for so long, you really don't need one, and it will cause more damage than any good it might do.

Re: iPod touch 20 May 2013 02:13 #207381

  • chachaman
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Liveman--a desktop filter is useless if you have the password. What makes you think that an iPad is any different?

I don't know as much about iPads, but give someone the filter passcode. Restrict Safari and installing apps; be very careful with which apps you install.

If the iPad is why you're here--GET RID OF IT IMMEDIATELY! Or at least make Kabbalos to limit your usage of it: no iPad in bedroom, no iPad after 9:00PM, max 2 hours a day, etc. etc.

Re: iPod touch 20 May 2013 04:37 #207394

  • Liveman
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You might be right but....

Re: iPod touch 20 May 2013 04:42 #207395

  • Liveman
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I mean I do need my iPad for legitImate reasons now with a filter it really takes away the efficiency of the iPad.

Re: iPod touch 20 May 2013 05:31 #207400

  • chachaman
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Can you do anything on your iPad that you can't on your desktop computer?

If you like the idea of being able to learn everywhere, you should get an Android. If it's for business, why not get one of those small laptops that has a 7-inch screen and is portable?

If you don't mind opening up, what are those legitimate reasons you need it for? If you choose to do so, we could help you find alternatives. Often, for me at least, the reasons I have for maintaining electronic devices aren't always so legitimate.

Re: iPod touch 20 May 2013 08:38 #207408

  • mickeymussar
  • Current streak: 1 day
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Please, for my sake, return it as soon as it comes. You've lived without it for so long, you really don't need one, and it will cause more damage than any good it might do.

I decided to return it right away. I told my parents and my wife so now I won't change my mind (hopefully). I think all the reasons i really wanted one are the exact reasons I shouldn't have one. Thanks for all the discussion and help.
Last Edit: 20 May 2013 08:39 by mickeymussar.

Re: iPod touch 21 May 2013 04:02 #207457

  • reallygettingthere
  • Current streak: 72 days
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Kol Hakavod!

You made the right decision even though it was hard. Ashrecho!

Roy in the SA White Book noted that we frequently prayed and it did not work...because the best we could muster was begging G-d to "Please take it away, so I will not have to give it up!

No amount of sobriety can cure the insanity -ChaimCharlie

The emmes hurts but fake chizzuk will hurt more -Bards

Remember, best block, no be there - Mr. Miyagi

Re: iPod touch 21 May 2013 22:43 #207503

  • jewish jew
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Thanks for the topic I wanted to buy an IPod touch and this has convinced me not to.
The opposite of addiction is not sobriety, it’s connection
Last Edit: 21 May 2013 22:44 by jewish jew.

Re: iPod touch 21 May 2013 22:54 #207507

  • mr. emunah
  • Current streak: 121 days
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in an unrelated story...
The Ceo? of Apple will be testifying at a senate hearing regarding tax evasion (whatever, i don't totaly chap the thingy..)...
(maybe divine retribution for all the sins they were Goirem?)
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