Avrom, let us know how you are doing!! We love you man!
Anyway, I am going to update about my situation.
First, the bad news. No, I didn't fall, but my brother is in town and I watched a movie with him (on our couch). It had the requisite Hollywood shmutz in it--at one point I left the room and came back 2 minutes later. Though it could have been much worse, I really need to stop watching TV.
The internet idea worked out pretty well. However, I haven't renewed it. My problem is I get on the computer to do one thing and I do other things.
I accepted a version of TaPhSiC on myself, and I also made a few commitments whose violations create a knas--for example, no electronic devices in bedroom when I go to sleep, no electronics while davening, only 20 minute increments on my laptop, Facebook only every other day, etc. I think I owe $80 to tzedakka from those kabbalos
The good news:
I graduated high school on Monday, and I thank Hashem for his lovingkindness in getting me to where I am today--I left high school on a 16 day clean streak, no insecurity about my social status / no feelings of inferiority, and a feeling of camaraderie with the rest of my class. It sounds strange, but I'll miss some of the kids (none of the girls B"H, but there were some really nice kids, and honestly there weren't any mean kids).
Today the temptations have been coming and going--again, it's a function of being at home some of the day without much to do. Tomorrow I'll B"H work for my mom at her office, so I'll be out of the house. I'm trying to step up my learning--I'll be at a summer learning program in a few weeks. I'm just thinking about today though.
Baruch Hashem! Life is good, I have so much to be thankful for. I'm going to let Hashem fight these feelings. Shacharis this morning, though by myself at my home, was one of the best davenings I've had to date, because I opened up to Hashem. No, I didn't do the fake "opening up" just enough so that I could ask Hashem for what I need. By nature, I'm a little introverted and kept things inside; instead, I just tried to open up to Hashem, and kick away barriers, and Baruch Hashem it worked.
I don't have too many chavrusos--I will try establishing a few in the next 3 weeks.
And more good news: Zvi and some_guy are interested in joining the group!
Just another thing to get off my chest, because that's what the group is for: Why are there always like 600 guests online? Why don't they join the forum? And also: I know that I made the same mistake when I first came to the forum, in that I just posted my story without reading anything else, because I thought that all of the "addiction" stuff wasn't relevant to me. (I now B"H know better). But what can we do when our responses to everyone almost incorporate the same thing? I know personally that I don't plan to go on GYE for the rest of my life and respond to people. That's what makes Dov, Gibbor120, AlexEliezer, MT, and others so great, in that they always respond to new people. It's just something I wanted to get off my chest...idk if there are any answers. (Also, what happened to reb.guard--he hardly posts any more??)
I also put my first name on a few of my posts. do you guys think that that's a good idea?