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He didn't let me go..
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!
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TOPIC: He didn't let me go.. 928 Views

He didn't let me go.. 16 Nov 2012 13:37 #148031

  • Dmaot
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 43
  • Karma: 0
It's the 90th day today... I don't know what to say... Hashem, thank You... thank You... Don't let me go.

Re: He didn't let me go.. 16 Nov 2012 14:10 #148035

  • nederman
Yay, good for you. Enjoy your newfound peace.

Re: He didn't let me go.. 16 Nov 2012 14:52 #148036

Congratulations! You are truly an inspiration to all of us. You personify the Mishnah
אמור מעט ועשה הרבה
i.e. you did not post much, you did not kvetch much. You simply forged ahead slowly but surely. Now you just need to keep up the momentum. Unfortunately, we have seen many here who reached 90 days and then came tumbling off the wall (lo aleinu velo aleichem). So the lesson is that we must never become complacent - we must never drop our guard. All we have is today - and that is true every single day of our lives. So chabibi, chazak ve'ematz and keep up the good work.

Shabbat Shalom


Re: He didn't let me go.. 16 Nov 2012 15:49 #148045

  • reallygettingthere
Mamash a heiliger gevald!

M'chayil el choyil



Re: He didn't let me go.. 19 Nov 2012 19:19 #148184

  • Dmaot
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 43
  • Karma: 0
Thank you guys, i really appreciate what you do on a daily basis here in this beautiful forum. You are a great encouragement! Thank you nederman, Machshovo Tova and reallygettingthere! Chazak v'ematz!

Re: He didn't let me go.. 05 Dec 2012 15:05 #148941

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 697 days
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testing 123
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.

Re: He didn't let me go.. 05 Dec 2012 15:08 #148943

  • test3
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Karma: 0
reply 456

Re: He didn't let me go.. 05 Dec 2012 15:11 #148945

  • test3
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Karma: 0
reply 789

Re: He didn't let me go.. 05 Dec 2012 15:33 #148952

  • jewish jew
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 359
  • Karma: 10
You have finished 90 complete one day at a time keep, on monsta trucking!!


The opposite of addiction is not sobriety, it’s connection
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