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TOPIC: need help 825 Views

need help 16 Oct 2012 16:55 #146235

  • beh
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 11
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hi im going through a stressful busy time bh i'm 74 days clean - but its tough
im trying to rearrange my schedule to fit in the support group on the phone i hope it will work out
need chizuk

Re: need help 16 Oct 2012 17:03 #146237

Wow 74 days! Bitchu BaHashem adei a"d. Keep up the good work - a day at a time. Always pretend it's your first day and your only day, and give it all you got. Daven to Hashem every single day to help you remain sober. Avoid all triggering sights and thoughts to the best of your ability. And just "keep on trucking!"



Re: need help 17 Oct 2012 06:34 #146251

  • yehoshua1
  • Current streak: 1957 days
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BEH you keep in there, little by little the stress will fade away, just a day at a time, or an hour at time, or a minute at time.

I think I read in Bards posts, that in the beginning he went for 15 minutes. Just 15 minutes. It may be hard to keep sober for 15 minutes, especially in face of a challenge, but it's not impossible.

As I am writting this, I think I need to go to that method too. ;D

A good chodesh to YOU!!!!
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