Thanks Uri, you were right, Kah Echsof is one of my favorite niggunim already...
BH, I am still holding strong, bh, and have forund that learning Chabad Chassidus helps me in all of this as well. It enables me to exert my mind and totally involve myself in a study that is all about G-d, and Holiness. As long as man cannot fully express himself and utilize all aspects of his soul for holiness, there is still a part of the soul struggling for its survival and "searching."
One very powerful thing that i have experienced is the dangerous attraction of depression. It feels so real, so authentic, so honest. After it life seems petty, trivial, and false. As though there is a deeper part of myself that I am not sharing with those around me.
I always fall back there, whether that is a subconscious voluntary fact, or involuntary challenge from G-d. Usually it is once every 2 weeks for a few days... This is a mini-depression, when i revert to thoughts of loneliness, purposeless, hopelessness, and confusion. Although I can already identify at the time it is happening and say, "this is fake, do not be fooled" it still rings truer than my second voice...
Is this normal? Is it a result of being single? Is it a challenge I will deal with forever?
I used to think this a result of the hidden shame of Chatas neurim. But I am already "clean" for about a month, and this blackness periodically returns, creating despair, shame, and inner restlessness. And intense psychological pain.
Wishing all a Kesiva Vachasima Tova,
Benoni (Halevai)