Here I am going into my 2nd shabbos with a new feeling of pride and success.I no longer have the dreadful feeling if guilt having spent countless hours online looking at filth.I will make kiddush I"H with a renewed sense of kiduushat hayom.When I bless my beautiful children that Hashem has blessed me with i will be doing it with a true and pure heart.So many times I have gone to the mikvah before shabbos but was never really able to shake the feeling of being a liar and having my entire being soiled.Now B"H I do feel so more "purified" going into this Shabbos Kodesh.Gue has been a tremendous source of inspiration for me.For the first time in years I am completely open with my Rebbe and a feel so more closer to my wife .The little things that used to set me off,no longer have that power.They are still there,but after spending so many years being overly critical of myself and projecting that onto other people.getting pissed off at them for their own faults,when in actuality ,I was pissed at myself,these little trigger swill just have to stay that way,little.They have absolutely no power,unless I choose to give it to them.I will push myself and do what it takes to keep them in check,and move on to a better and higher place.Wishing all a beautiful Shabbos,one filled with emunah,simcha ,and shalom bias.May Hashem bless us all with a special kiddushah this shabbos that we can take the sparks from and use during the coming weak to draw ourselves closer to our Magnificent Creator.