Sholem tayre Yidden,
Bechasdei Hashem,
today is day ten that makes on week and three days.
This now the first week of the Taphsic method and I decided to make a new shvue for one month since it works so well.
The Y"H, however, uses now his more advanced weapons. Machshoves are usually not a problem. But tonight I had a mishap (during the dream) I dreamt that I was nichshal and the Y"H tried to make me think that this was such a geshmack. This episode was painful I saw everything happening and I could not stop it. This happened at 5 am, I took a shower; afterwards I could not sleep any more so went to the beis midrash and everything was OK.
On Shabbes night I dreamt about a terrible and painful disease I got as a consequence of the hz"l.
Another method of the Y"H is atzvus (depression)--unfortunately I saw what the more kabbalistic seforim and the chassidic seforim bring about this certain transgression. The Y"H sometimes tries to convince that I am a complete roshe without any hope of tshuvo. It happened to me once that I was learning the chofez chaim and I knew that I am growing in shmiras haloshen. The Y"H told me, very fine, but how about your shmiras habris (they are in fact linked: elokai nezor leshoni mera (=keri or hz"l), explained in the beginning of sefer yesod yosef). I felt like a hypocrite, kimat I started to cry, I left my chavrusso telling him that I do not feel well. By the way, do not read sefer yesod yosef if you do not want to become scared.
This, however, are isolated cases. Yes, there is no, absolutely no reason for sadness or depression. The Chazon Ish finishes a letter (I think its letter 35 in Igros Chazon Ish) with the words:
"There is no place for atzvus in the realm of the light of lights." Es is nisht shayach.I am struggling with my self-esteem, the 12 steps to self-esteem by Rabbi Twerski and Rabbi Roll seems to be quite helpful. Regular exercise helps also. But my questions refers rather to the realm of short time strategies bishas hanisoyon. When the machshoves of yiush (shelo midaas

) come what shall I do? Habote koyne (looking aquires), but how do I perform the kinyan of the proper attitude?
Now a few ideas from our parshe I heard from my teachers.
Korach + ra: Machloket bigematria
Korach + chaim: Shalom bigemtatriaNotes: Shalom is another term for the sefiro of Yesod (see seder tikun chazos, lamentation of the Alshich, haKodosh: shechino mo omeres…)
Now, what's the connection? Korach was a pikeach (clever) so why did he do this shtus? (see rashi) His eyes were coverd so he did not see properly because of kino (jealousy) that was not leshem shomaim. He tried to reach perfection on his own -- without having Hashem in the chesbon, this was the psul. He was on a very high level. But when trying to grow without Hashem even you'll fail. For his own growth he would not care about other people and push them away. His punishment was middo kenegged middo. He reached a high level with only one important detail missing. He was punished with the creation that was created shortly before perfection (Shabbes).
We are all Pikechim and yet we do shtus -- it has to be that we do not see properly because of taives (w know from the mishne in ovos about the connection between taive, kinno and kovovd). If we want to choose Chaim and not Ra (= the sin of Er and Onan) we have to include Hashem in our cheshbon. We cannot do it without him--that is the real gvuro (=restraint). To become a gibor we first have to admitt powerlessness (=ozer isroel bigvuro) since we cannot fight on our own, Hashem is doing the fight. And we also need the quality of chesed (=to become real givers, as the mesillas yeshorim points out, this is the antidote against taives; giving thereby becoming a keli-vessel not klipo-husk, see "the light of Ephraim" beshem R' Moshe Luria ztz"l). Chesed and gevuro are complementary qualities.
Yesterday I saw the Steipler's letters (kraina d'iggrisa vol 1, chelek 1, in the beginning) and what he writes to a bocher struggling with "hachet hayadua" about simcho, I am trying to implement it. To be continued.
Have a wonderful week.