will, like you posted on my thread, we are starting (again) around the same time, and i feel like we are going through so many of the same things. I also have business that sometimes takes to crowded areas, like Manhattan, and especially in the summer, we all know how that goes. something i am still working on, but has helped a little for me is trying to care less what other people think, and focus on what Hashem is thinking at that time. Much easier said than done, i know. but i used to feel so afraid, what are people thinking, why am i looking down, not making eye contact, then i realized there are a ton of freaks in the city, im nothing compared to them. Like it says all over, i'd rather people think im weird forever in this world than Hashem being upset at all in the next. After thinking about it, it was clearly the Y'H just telling me, people care where you look, they talking about you, but really they couldnt care less
Dont know if that was helpful at all to your situation, just thought i'd try.