well, i certainly know my chesronos--
now, a cause for celebration!!!! i have no desire to see the upcoming movie about john gotti!!! now i love reading about the mafia - but i know it will be filled with shmutz, just like everything else that comes out of hollywood. before pesach, reb guard 'made me' throw out all my movies, in honor of biur chometz.as a direct result of that action, i am no longer interested in hollywood movies!!! thanks to r' guard once again for not letting me slip away, which he could easily have done when i had difficult times.but he understood that it's a difficult battle, and that's why i am still around, going step by step.maybe I'm niot G-d's gift to addicts, but always going forward, thanks to GYE.
by the way, the story is told about r'chaim pinchas sheinberg zt'l that he gave a kiddush when he was no longer interested in baseball.so, when's the next kiddush?
another by the way - this is my first major stride since my last one, 3 years ago.so, things take time.