I dont know... hopefully i will let you know when i get there. As of now, stress and boredom for me have become less of an issue.... attractive/risque/ you know.. that kind of stuff is still major challnge to shemiras haeinayim and machashava. and we know where it goes after taht. BUT- recovery is a different road for everyone. Things taht work for me, could be totally useless to others. For me, being honest has been teh best medicine. calling out to friends- revealing (to safe people) the extent of what lust is plaguing me, is for me a way of being mchniyah myself. It is my surrender to powerlessness. But being powerless is not being hopeless. Powerless, at teh end of teh day, to me means one thing- the admission that I need help to cope with this. That help comes from higher power, and from good friends. (incidentally, I have a friend in AA who looks at the help he gets from friends as sort of a higher power as well. the group, so to speak, is a higher power for him (according to what i understood from our conversations). I thought taht was a nice thought. But again- that thought didnt occur to me, and doesnt do alll that much for me, though I think it is interesting. So HIS recovery, is not MY recovery. It's about finding what works for you. maybe it's figure skating- or skydiving, and if its mutar al pi halacha, and doesnt bother anyone- Go for it. Noone can be an expert in YOUR recovery but you. Though there are certain things taht seem to help thousands of addicts and as such it is prolly logical to give those thigns a try to see if they work for yuo, before you decide that what you really need to to pledge all of your income for a year to teh sally struthers cancer fund every time you act out.
I will tell you that everytime I am with an internet connection taht has not filtering on it, I get teh willies. that seems not to have stopped yet, I am told however by people in a program of recovery for many yeas that this too subsudes.