Eden wrote on 09 Sep 2009 15:04:
The scary thing is that i know that i can manipulate the filters if i am too crazy.
R' Eden, it seems to me that you are spelling out the crux of the problem for an addict (or anyone w/chronic self-destructive behavior problems). The good thing is that it's also the solution: If we are manipualtive liars and cannot trust our
selves, how can
we possibly police and guide our
own recovery? On the other hand, who else
can? It's "im ein anee lee, mee lee" (I need to help myself!) vs. "uch'she'anee le'atzmee, moh anee?" (I need to get out of myself!). Hey, Life, what do you want from me?! All I can
see is my little, cracked world, from the
inside! And
I made it so! What am I to do?!
As almost anyone I know in recovery would report that all the
good stuff started once we finally accepted that our situation was
impossible. Really impossible. Not a matter of
enough of the
right kind of chizzuk,
often enough, trying hard enough, whatever...Just. Plain. Impossible. And there's no evidence it's ever going away. Until then we are like rich folks. Look at the guys living it up in Dubai and acting "frum". When you have $750 billion, who
really needs G-d? Not me. That's right, my addiction taught me I'm like that. I was "frum" but only came to see I
really needed G-d, as a result of my hopelessness in addiction. So, my
acting out brought me closer to Hashem than my Rebbi did. Lucky, actually, right? But it hurt. So now what?
Something is missing... i think it could be two things:
1. I need to habituate myself to more compassionate thought patterns.
Yeah. My self-talking trash never got me anywhere good. Just the plain truth. I believe that what the
Torah informs us about the way we
should be, is far less relevant to actually saving our lives in early recovery than what our actions show us about the way we
really are. We are not bad at all, just sick. If we'd see a video of the actions we take in acting out, I doubt we'd say: "that guy is evil". I know I'd say, "poor guy is a wierdo. Really needs help." So now what?
2. I need a constant source of support, like a sponsor. My brother spoke about talking through those times of need. I don't have that, i just run for the hills.
3. I also need to thoroughly work the 12 steps.
The obvious solutions are the phone meetings, look further into SLA meets. Rereading the handbook and staying active on the website. With g-d's help i will accomplish these things.
I couldn't agree more, tzadik!