I will start that I'm a native Israeli' and that is why my English isn't so I guess you will see many many mistakes...what can I do?
Ok ' so I found this site at Pesach' and was soooooo happy! at last' I found a place that I can be there and share and hear from others[The only problem here' that I need something like that' in Hebrew' and the Hebrew forum here is died....and the only Hebrew site I know is ATZAT NEFESH, but I found this site is much more helpfull for me]. I just came to a point where I can't continune any more...I'm 35 years old' father of 5 lovely kids. I have learned in a Yeshiva for years, and also got a Smicha [I use Hebrew words, I hope you will understand me] , I teach Tora, and try to serve Hashem, as much as I can.....but as I talk to him, I tell him, HTZ"L is my main problem in Avodan Hashem....for 22 years I have tried and tried but it just didn't work! Lately' I thought to my self going throw 12 steps recovery group, but I have few problems with that : 1) what shell I tell my wife? 2) The truth, I'm ashame [MITBAYESH] to be with others' and although the gmora on kidushin says, about that Rav who saied , I prefer being MEVAYESH my talmidim in this world and not in the next world....It's difficult.
Anyway' I red the handbook, and I really got new advices! I read the e- mails' each and every day, and get a real chizuk! I have srarted my journey for the 90 days, for now I got to 29 days!! I have never got so many clean days! I used to mastrabte at least 3 times a weak, there were weeks , that I did it for 7 times a week. I just can't belive it , that with g-d help, I have 29 clean days.
I make a Neder, that if I use porn , I will pay 3,000 nis[New Israel's Shekel] for tzdoka, I make this Neder at Shabat, and I say that it is only for 1 week, until the next shabat. The reason I do that is , that at shabat and Friday, I don't do these sins [ for years] so shabat is a time when my soul is high, and the mind can control the body. At the last Shabat ,I found it very tough, to make the Neder, like my brain said to me :"What?! for the whole week you will not be able to get any relief? What will happen if you will feel bad about yourself, or be in stress, what will calm you?!" The last week was not so simple, and this is why the Yestzer Harar got to talk to me so hard! He may be fulish and old, but he defantly[ bevaday] has his weapons.... ok so thats's my story for today....I wish I can continue , but I have to do some other things now... Thak's alot!!!! You are raelly great.... [ My real desire today is to come to the Yomim Noraim, when I am clean for months....
I hope for all of us, just all the good in the wold, Bezrat Hashem....