Yosef Hatzadik wrote on 02 Mar 2011 01:12:
Efshar Letaken wrote on 01 Mar 2011 22:46:
Yosef Hatzadik - not sure can be called an Old Timer, Bein Hatkufos
The split between the
Rishonim and
Acharonim was when the GYE Mechitza was erected.
(Hey, Didn't ShemiratEinayim have a part in THAT??) I joined mere days afterwards. [Actually I started spending my days here prior, but I only signed up to be able to post 18 days after the Mechitza arrived!] Confused? I am too.
If she remembered
that it would be more like, נתירה בלב. But thank you for granting me the credit, it wasn't at all easy, and I wasn't at all nice.
As far as being an old-timer, I joined GYE
before the forum even existed. Now I'm primarily on the HEBREW FORUM, trying to 'carry the message' to our israeli brethren. If anyone wants the zchus, כל הקודם זכה לו. And not to worry, i just learnt how to type in hebrew, and it's slowly speading up.