tov lee tov lee toras pichah mealphei zahav vechesef............. tov lee tov lee toras pee eeh chah me'ailfei zahav vechesed
Mah ahavto toraseich kol hayom hi sichasi....... ai yay yai tzis besser tzis besser der ehiligeh torah ......
ki heim chayeinu veoreich yameinu......... achas shoaltee meyeis hashem, ay yay yaa achas hsualti meais hashem osah avakeish!!! shivsi bevais hashem kol yemai chayay lachsos benoam benoam hashem ulevakeir behaichalo....... oh yoy yoy shivsi bevais hashewem kowol yemay chayayay lawchos benowam benowam hashewem ulevewakeir behai ai aiy aiychalo!
...hich* shmiras get's drunk (who wants to learn a sugya? we'll start beiyun, then as the bottle empties we will try bekius, and when we can't chap anything anymore we can read the pesukim in the ein mishpat hamalei....and when we can't read those itty bitty letters...........and we empty a few more bottles.....we can just sing and dance metoch simchas vechibas hatorah!!!!!) who could ever refuse such an offer?