If you are ever short on ideas for distractions, here are a few suggestions:
- Go for a walk outside - and leave your phone behind.
- Call a friend or family member just to chat -- connecting with other people provides mental and emotional stimulation and automatically improves your mood.
- Play a challenging game that will fully occupy your mind
- Prepare your favorite meal
- Take some time to exercise (the more intense, the better)
- Write your thoughts and feelings in a journal
- Listen to a shiur a podcast, music, or the radio
- Watch funny or inspirational clips
- Go for a drive
- Engage in a hobby like playing an instrument, or work on a personal project
- Do some errands or household chores
- Learn a new skill or language
And last but not least, you can get engrossed in a sugya that you find interesting, as Chazal say אם פגע בך מנוול זה משכהו לבית המדרש (if the yetzer hara encounters you, pull him into the study hall and it will melt).