dov wrote on 30 Aug 2009 18:04:
kutan shel hachabura wrote on 27 Aug 2009 20:13:
R' Dov,
I'm still looking for that jumping shepsele you had in the beginning of the avatar chaluka. I need it for when I have my 2 (now a days 3) coffees on Monday.Any idea who has it?k
Kutan - Nice to see you get that shepseleh back! Frankly, I have no idea how I got it, "lost" it, got the kielbasah attacker thingie, and then got the cute walking baby guy - but seeing that you have your jumping kung-fu shepseleh back makes me very happy!! It seems that this "Guard" fellow has something to do with it...:D :D :D
Hasomei'ach be'avatar'o,
Seems that G-d is really running the show behind the scenes.
I meant to use it only after the 2-3 coffees, and when their effect wears off to put back the old avatar.
Surprise... since its been there, only need 1 coffee, and I'm good to go,
so I'm leaving it (for now).
Amazing example of chitzonios m'oreres es hapnimius.
21 century style.
Best shabbos wishes,