shiur from R' Bentzion Twersky All the tricks to guarding our eyes are great (like on
this page). They can and do work. But they can still take a lot out of you. There’s a constant struggle, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose (even if you don’t act out) and it’s very draining. Instead, in this amazing shiur from R' Bentzion Twersky, he says that the long term answer is to address
the root cause, which is to change your character so that this is not something you want. If you don’t want it, you won’t see it (he gives a mashal for this – listen to the shiur!).
You address the root cause by focusing on what you want instead (hopefully Torah and a connection to Hashem) and as you work on that you will slowly become that. It’s a lofty goal but in the long run, it will put you in a different place entirely and all these strategies will become unnecessary. And lofty goals are achieved step by step, one day at a time, as we know. So start today!