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TOPIC: Warning! 2504 Views

Warning! 09 May 2014 00:09 #231387

  • cordnoy
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I don't like to start new threads, but I felt this was important.
I was outside today during the day.
It might not be officially summer, but there are many who think it is and are beginnin' to dress that way.
It is more triggerin' when you are not expectin' it.
b'avonoseinu harabim....sometimes we get used to things.
We are not used to it yet.

Please, please.....before you go outside, develop a plan.
What will you do to guard your eyes?
After all, this is the mainstay of this site.
Many here believe that the sights which we see on the streets are the # 1 cause for our actin' out later.
We cannot avoid that first look (unless you remove glasses and wear a Chasam Sofer talmidim brim to cover your eyes), but we can avoid that second look, and certainly that third.
Don't come home or to the office with those images in your mind.
How will YOU avoid this?
Perhaps keep score as to how many "victories" and "losses" you have during the day.
Perhaps daven for them (not my personal favorite).
Perhaps read a page of the white book before goin' out.
Maybe a kapittel tehillim beforehand.

By me what works is the realization...the true realization that second looks will destroy my life.
They lead me directly to she'ol tachtiyos.
It brings on all my lustful thoughts, fantasies and desires that lie in wait for the nearest and closest opportunity.
I know I must choose life.
Perhaps it is not life or death to some people, but it is to me, and yes, I know, at times, I lose as well, perhaps more losses than victories, but even when I lose, I know that for that time, I chose death.

And finally, do not view this as a lifelong battle (although it will be); just consider this one time...it is the Vilna Gaon's Daf Gemora....he is the only person learning in the world at this time; this is the only daf of gemora in existence; it is his responsibility to learn with all his koichos. Consider that you are the only person with this nisayon at this present moment. The sight before you is the only nisayon in existence. And it is your mission for this present moment (not later, not tomorrow, not yesterday) to pass this test.

b'hatzlachah to all
My email: thenewme613@hotmail.com
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:pinch: Warning: Spoiler!
My job: Punchin' bag of GYE - "NeshamaInCharge"
Quote from the chevra: "Is Cordnoy truly a Treasure Island pirate from the Southern Seas?"

Last Edit: 09 May 2014 00:09 by cordnoy.

Re: Warning! 09 May 2014 02:43 #231395

  • dd
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cordnoy thats great and really important,

i think the strongest point about it is knowing before hand where you are heading, when we just walk outside without thinking it gets really hard to jump into the battle after the first image comes across you but if you gear your self up prior you walking outside its just a whole different story,

just zooming into one of the points in your post, but you really said it all,

kol tuv!!!!

Re: Warning! 11 May 2014 07:05 #231501

  • cordnoy
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While I don't fully understand the Doc's chilukim (distinctions), he does seem to be sayin' devarim shel ta'am (logical stuff) that is very relevant to this thread.

Dr.Watson wrote:
Imagine a room with a huge elastic band that's firmly attached to the ceiling at one end and the floor at the other. There's no way to dismantle it. Now, if you want to get rid of the elastic band you can try pushing it away. The problem there is that the more you push it the more it pushes back. You can push as hard as you like, fight all day, get chizzuk, learn, daven, stay busy, whatever you want, but that elastic band's not going anywhere. So you keep pushing and you can manage to not get pushed over as long as you can keep up the equal and opposite force, but the second you slip, the elastic band will push you to the ground.

So acceptance is in order here. Accept the elastic band for what it is, and the fact that it's there for good. It's part of the room. Yes it's annoying, but as long as you leave it well alone it won't make you fall.

IMO that's what surrender is. Most people see it as a fight, like a bully's attacking you. So yeah, if you surrender the bully's gonna beat you up. No-one wants that, who would want to surrender?!

I see it more as a debate. Some guy wants to win an argument with me. Nu nu. How about rather than arguing with him, I just say " you know, maybe you're right" and just leave it there. Suddenly surrendering does me no harm and it leaves the other guy stunned. Rather than beat me up, he leaves it there too. No point in carrying on, he's surrendered already!

The y"h looks like the bully, but in reality he's the debater. It looks like surrender will allow him to do whatever he wants and you'll lose permanently. But that is not the case. He's a debater. If you just leave him alone and admit that he's a better debater than you, he'll leave you alone. No point trying to push the point at you, you've already given up. We give it up to win.

Say I'm walking down the street and suddenly a good-looking woman is walking towards me. I can walk past thinking "don't look don't look don't look" and maybe I won't. Once. Twice. Three times. But how many times? Not enough. Instead I can notice the woman, notice the urge to look and think "yeah, I have urges. I am an addict, I have urges and I have a desire to look. Doesn't mean I need to look. I can't push this elastic bank away, I won't fight it, I won't try to get rid of the urges. Please Hashem help me to not look at this woman." Suddenly it doesn't seem so difficult.

"Ki ani Hashem elokecho machazik yeminecho, ho'omer lecho al tiroh ani azarticho"
"For I Hashem your G-d am holding your right hand, saying don't be scared, I'll help you"
My email: thenewme613@hotmail.com
My threads: Mikvah Night - Page 1Page 2Page 3Last Page

:pinch: Warning: Spoiler!
My job: Punchin' bag of GYE - "NeshamaInCharge"
Quote from the chevra: "Is Cordnoy truly a Treasure Island pirate from the Southern Seas?"


Re: Warning! 11 Jun 2014 21:51 #233362

  • shomer bro
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Wow, what great insight. It's so true that it's not about the first look, or the first lustful thought that means much. Rather, it's about stopping ourselves from taking the second or third look/thought. I've seen this countless times with myself, that once I go for a second look/thought, it's generally downhill from there. I too have seen that the only way to combat this is to sincerely ask Hashem to protect me from this yetzer hara and help me get through this nisayon. Sometimes I'll try to say some mishanyos that I know b'al pe.
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