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TOPIC: FEEL THE HUGS!!! 65182 Views

Re: FEEL THE HUGS!!! 22 Dec 2009 20:34 #36959

in other words i fealt today that b/c my day went on and i could  too , that H' was showing me that he lets me go on . i fealt like he forgave me . i don't know if i deserve to feel that b/c i didn't exactly do t'shuvah . buty ifeel grateful that he styed w/me . at least my thought were t'shuvehdik!  that's something . today i fealt  a hug of forgiveness.
Last Edit: by natan007.

Re: FEEL THE HUGS!!! 22 Dec 2009 22:16 #37009

  • the.guard
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kum, ki zeh hayom asher nasati es sisra biyadecha
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by masontom613.

Re: FEEL THE HUGS!!! 24 Dec 2009 06:49 #37516

vus is de shaychus?
Last Edit: by yisroel101.

Re: FEEL THE HUGS!!! 24 Dec 2009 06:53 #37519

no time today
but just wanted to say
no matter how i drey
and make my life go astray
H' is with me anyway
vayigash eylav yehudah vayomar Bi odoini (my master is inside me - chelek eloika meema'al-mamash!)
Last Edit: by davidlan.

Re: FEEL THE HUGS!!! 24 Dec 2009 08:45 #37588

  • 7yipol
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Another poet!

Todays hug so far:
I SAW the sun shining
I HEARD the birds
FELT the warmth
and SMELLED the burning toast!

Thank you Tatty!
Mode Ani...
Hashem is addicted to you! Feel His hugs!"Sheva yipol tzaddik VKUM"
Last Edit: by shmily105.

Re: FEEL THE HUGS!!! 24 Dec 2009 15:16 #37725

I posted this in my thread, but I don't think many people read it, and it also belongs here - and other people might find it useful!

I usually don't consider myself an extreme person, but a few years ago, as Elul came along, I decided that for one Elul, I could do something that (to me) seemed a bit extreme, the kind of thing that "those" guys do. You all know what I mean - thy guys that take things just too far, etc. (of course, my perspective on this "too far" was about to change - Hm. I should write a post just about that concept alone...)

Anyway, I decided that whenever I left super-chareidi areas, I would take my glasses off. Just an extreme Elul thing.

To my surprise, it wasn't weird - it was liberating! I suddenly just didn't have to battle my eyes, didn't have to fight to avoid looking at things I didn't want to...everything became a blur of shapes, to the point where I could barely tell that a particular shape was a woman!

Unfortunately, while I did end up doing it past Elul, it didn't last as long as it should...but I'm starting to do it again, albeit not on a regular basis. And it just feels great!

I kinda feel like it's a perfect example of "let go and let God," because by taking off your glasses, there is a certain loss of control...

As a side note, the first time I did this recently, I got an almost instant wave and hug from Hashem (in a form that made it clear (to me) that I'd done the right thing) - in the form of an opportunity to do a mitzvah! A half-block after taking off my glasses and slipping them into my pocket, I noticed a frum-woman shaped blob in my blurry vision, about to start dragging a baby carriage up the stairs to an elevated train station. I seized the opportunity for a mitzvah, and helped her with it, and got the bonus of not even having to know what she looked like!

Hashem, you ROCK!
Last Edit: by 0200.

Re: FEEL THE HUGS!!! 24 Dec 2009 19:23 #37793

  • steve
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WOW! SB, what a great idea! that's even better than my way, which is to lower my hat brim and watch my feet. Problem is I don't notice the poles until they're too close...


No one is so small that he can not give help, and no one is so big that he doesn't need it.

Kol HaOlam Kulo, Gesher Tzar Meod, V'HaIkkar: Lo L'Pacheid Klal.
Last Edit: by anonny.

Re: FEEL THE HUGS!!! 24 Dec 2009 23:00 #37849

  • imtrying25
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Steve wrote on 24 Dec 2009 19:23:

WOW! SB, what a great idea! that's even better than my way, which is to lower my hat brim and watch my feet. Problem is I don't notice the poles until they're too close...


Im sure being a pickle it doesnt hurt that much. As the saying goes; some bump into women thinking it is a pole, some bump into a pole hoping it is a woman. Nebach. :'(
Last Edit: by jew22.

Re: FEEL THE HUGS!!! 25 Dec 2009 07:17 #37923

i got a hug today from an unusual place . i realized how much my friends care about me , think about me . it surprised me a bit . they have me in mind to help me , in so many ways . every so often it shows  and i realize that there are so many parts of my life in ruchnius and gashmius that would've been so different with out my friends . we need people in life . friends are a great gift.
          thanx H'
Last Edit: by sew6649.

Re: FEEL THE HUGS!!! 25 Dec 2009 13:04 #38014

Steve - it only works if you have glasses 

But the thing I like about it is that when I have my head down, there's always an urge to look up and around. Once the glasses are off,  things tend to be much smoother (at least for me).
Last Edit: by samgetssober.

Re: FEEL THE HUGS!!! 26 Dec 2009 22:43 #38162

i got a hug from the chizuk mail today . i think the last two from baruch are right up my alley . positive distraction . focus on actively shifting to a good thought . your wife , H'  , torah , the mitsvah your getting right now etc. instead of fighting it negatively . this is an old torah yesod , that i never used properly. also the take on surrender to H' was novel and interesting . he implied the surrender was a change of focus more than "giving up". rather not fighting, by putting total focus only on doing what H' wants and doing his will . putting all your mind onto that will leave no room for the tumah . you can't think about 2 things at once . its more than that b/c your focusing on the avoidah davkah . but thats what your surrendering . your choice to think about sin . a total hand over of thought , absorption of mind to H' .  thats practical i like it, ;D     
Last Edit: by coxylidu.

Re: FEEL THE HUGS!!! 26 Dec 2009 23:00 #38167

tried the no glasses thing i like it too . 8) . i am grateful to H'  that i can  read . i really lke to learn . imagine if i couldn't read. ? thanx for the torah and my eyes. 
Last Edit: by onthejourney.

Re: FEEL THE HUGS!!! 27 Dec 2009 06:46 #38204

My hug to start off the new week - I was playing guitar motzei shabbos, and thinking, "hm, it's hard to play, cuz my nails are too long...I really need to cut them!"

Flash forward to about an hour later, as I'm cutting up veggies for a salad, the knife (which is wicked sharp, by the way) slips and takes of a chunk of my...NAIL! If my nails had been shorter, my typing would be a lot slower now. I might even have needed stitches.

what I thought was a problem, was a HUG from Hashem!

Thank you!
Last Edit: by lemberger.

Re: FEEL THE HUGS!!! 27 Dec 2009 06:48 #38205

36 - yeah, that's my understanding, as well - kinda like, if I let hashem take over my body right now, what would HE do?
Last Edit: by jzussman.

Re: FEEL THE HUGS!!! 27 Dec 2009 08:34 #38252

  • Momo
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Last Edit: by gye316.
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