Hi Chevra,
I'm new around here, so sorry if i missed a previous thread on this topic.
Currently, I use X3 Watch from the market ($7) which is basically a accountability app. It emails my friend every week or so with all the questionable sites I have visited.
The problem is I am a Geek, tech enthusiast, hacker, etc. I can get passed this app, whenever I really want to. Same goes for JNET on the BlackBerry I have gotten passed that as well. If anyone knows any other apps that i can try please let me know.
*OFF TOPIC* I want to say thanks to of you, for making me aware that there are other people who struggle with these issues. Other people who also want to do teshuva and be good. It really gave me lots of chizzuk.
*OFF TOPIC* As I noted above I'm a geek, if anyone needs tech help or info feel free to PM me, and I will try my best to be of assistance.
Thanks again,