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TOPIC: Filter for Android 2352 Views

Filter for Android 25 Sep 2011 03:46 #120197

  • tzvi
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 9
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Hi Chevra,
I'm new around here, so sorry if i missed a previous thread on this topic.

Currently, I use X3 Watch from the market ($7) which is basically a accountability app. It emails my friend every week or so with all the questionable sites I have visited.

The problem is I am a Geek, tech enthusiast, hacker, etc. I can get passed this app, whenever I really want to. Same goes for JNET on the BlackBerry I have gotten passed that as well. If anyone knows any other apps that i can try please let me know.

*OFF TOPIC* I want to say thanks to of you, for making me aware that there are other people who struggle with these issues. Other people who also want to do teshuva and be good. It really gave me lots of chizzuk.

*OFF TOPIC* As I noted above I'm a geek, if anyone needs tech help or info feel free to PM me, and I will try my best to be of assistance.

Thanks again,
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Re: Filter for Android 02 Oct 2011 08:50 #120715

  • tzvi s.
  • Expert Boarder
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  • Posts: 85
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there aren't many good filters in the market for the android as of now,

try the filters below:
bloqer-  bloqer.com/download/

Covenant Eyes BETA - www.covenanteyes.com/androidalpha/

McAfee Family Protection - market.android.com/details?id=com.mcafee.android.familyprotection&feature=search_result

you can contact me if you want to volunteer installing filters for people, we are working now on a new website+division special for prevention.
you can email me at filter.tzvi@gmail.com

All the best Gmar chasimah tova!
Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.
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Re: Filter for Android 02 Oct 2011 11:09 #120725

  • tzvi
  • Fresh Boarder
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@technician I sent you a email.

For anyone else, I found something called "Trend Micro Mobile Security" over here market.android.com/details?id=com.trendmicro.tmmspersonal
It costs $30 dollars a year preceded by a 30 day free trial, and seems very easy to setup.

If anyone has a problem with installation feel free to PM me.
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Re: Filter for Android 02 Oct 2011 11:19 #120727

  • tzvi s.
  • Expert Boarder
  • Technician
  • Posts: 85
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yes, Trend just removed the old one thy had and replaced it with the new one last week... the other one was free, probably it was a BETA.

i will respond to your email soon
Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.
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Re: Filter for Android 02 Oct 2011 11:35 #120729

  • the.guard
  • Moderator
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I heard a story of a world-renowned hacker who was hired by Microsoft or Apple to help them fight hackers. He knew the field best - and became rich from it. That's called using your skills for the good.

If you are a geek and an expert at bypassing filters, you'd probably make an excellent volunteer on our filter-gabai team. We already have a few qualified technicians who are always on the look-out for the best solutions available, and for ways to prevent people from bypassing their filters.

We would be delighted to welcome you on board!

(Contact me at eyes.guard@gmail.com or filter.tzvi@gmail.com.)
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
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Re: Filter for Android 11 Dec 2012 21:56 #200069

  • needtoquit
  • Expert Boarder
  • Posts: 137
  • Karma: 4
I found a very nice system called Funamo. It has filtering, accountability and app blocking all in one. It is probably also one of the most affordable filters as it is $20 for the life of device which it is own. You can install it for 2 days to try it before purchasing the license.

They have 2 versions of the main app one designed for adults play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=funamo.accountability">play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=funamo.accountability and one for children play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=funamo.funamo">play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=funamo.funamo. I'm not really sure what the differences are.

For browsing you either use their browser app play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=funamo.browser">play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=funamo.browser (recommended because it is simpler) or their app to set the proxy settings play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=funamo.proxysettings">play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=funamo.proxysettings.

You can find more information as well as use the accountability feature on their website funamo.com">Funamo.com. A word of caution on the accountability: It links to the websites visited so be careful not to click on the links if they look bad.
Last Edit: 11 Dec 2012 22:15 by needtoquit. Reason: Formatting wasn't working

Re: Filter for Android 29 May 2013 17:57 #207925


I have installed Cloudacl WebFilter2012, Here is the Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cloudacl.webnanny, on some Androids on it seems to work fine. It filters the default Browser, and allows White Listing or Black Listing. However it doesn't work on all devices. As everything you will have to install an App Lock to prevent someone killing the process and uninstalling it. Also you can try Norton Family, Here is the Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.symantec.familysafety, Which allows remote support and reports, time limits, etc. However I feel that their categories aren't so effective and you need to manually add URL's to black list.
In general please contact a filtering technician who can help you based on your needs and concerns.
הצלחה רבה

Re: Filter for Android 30 May 2013 00:12 #207948

  • chachaman
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 211
  • Karma: 10
Maybe I'm behind, but k9 browser on Android works great for me!

(Please don't tell me a way to get around it if there is one

Re: Filter for Android 30 May 2013 17:23 #207997

I personally didn't like k9 because they didn't have the option of blacklisting or even just choosing categories. Also since you have to use their browser some people weren't happy since it is slow. I noticed they released an update, but i haven't yet tried it. Pehaps they fixed these issues. I was just listing other options in case people are interested.

Chachaman wrote:
(Please don't tell me a way to get around it if there is one

Don't worry I would never share loopholes on a public forum like this.
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