YIRAS SHOMAYIM doesn't work.....when it's about don't do ________ or you going to get it over the head after 120.
That may work for normal people but as an addict, my brain says if I don't ________ I'm going to die. Of course that is not true. It's insane and ridiculous but it IS my reality.
So when there are two dangers -
a) far off, after I die, I'm not 100% sure of what it even is
b) my brain chemicals are telling me if I don't __________ (look at porn, the woman on the subway, masturbate, have sex with my wife.....) I will DIE right now!!!
there is not much of a struggle there, the 2nd message will win out.
I just had the realization of what kind of Yiras Shomayim can be helpful (I won't say work since I doubt it alone could keep me sober without the 12-Step program and fellowship). I am afraid to _______ because I have a beautiful, close and important relationship with the Creator of the Universe and if I do ______ I may negatively impact my ability to feel and take full advantage of that relationship.
The "fear" is not of punishment. It is "fear" of missing out on that unbelievable love that is available to me if I'm in a spiritual place. Should I act out I would be missing out on something infinitely better than sex.
It seems the trick is to establish that relationship that I can even be in "fear" of diminishing my ability to participate in it. If I don't have it, I can't be afraid of loosing it. That is where it seems the 12 Steps come in. They are a specific recipe on how to get a spiritual experience and then once I have it I don't want to loose it.
Anyways, it was just a thought and I wanted somewhere to share it. Now I just need to finish working the Steps