world wrote on 25 Nov 2010 02:22:
When you look around and see people your focus becomes "How do I look in the eyes of the people here."
Without looking around, I forget that other people are in the room, and it's easier to focus on talking to H'.
Heard once a pshat on the possuk in Vayigash 45,1 " veloy yochol yosef lehisapek lechol anitsovim olov vayikro, hotziu kol ish meoloyi"
When a person wants to daven with a bren, but he is surrounded with allot of people and he is either shy or does not want to show off, then he should say to him self, "hotziu kol ish meoloyi" take out all those people from within me (not melefonoi) and just forget about those other people.