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  • Kedusha252
  • Current streak: 18 days
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Gut Vocht to all,

Being that tomorrow will have nisyonos in my life I wanted to quickly share them with the forum.  Mother's day means family gatherings, nice weather and smiles all around.  In my situation I will encounter non blood related family members who are bound to be non tzniusly dressed.  I am becoming aware and prepared before I see these individuals in order to maintain kosher machshavos and to avoid *astur*ation at all costs later tomorrow night.

The key for me has been to consistently learn mussar so I can eventually have a knee jerk reaction to have zero tolerance for pritzus.  It's also nice and beneficial to read my past posts so I can give myself chizuk and say, you see how much it means to you to be kadosh and continue your streak?  Look how much you've written and taken the time to be michazeik yourself and others in one small area of life!

Tonight I learned two things:
1.) Mussar and halacha learning about shmiras einayim will eventually build my yetzer hatov to the point where when I am faced with a shmiras einayim nisayon the mussar and halacha will ring in my ears clearly to keep me mindful to fight.
2.) I learned a ma'ase about R' Masya from the gm' who asked to become blind because he was confrotned by the yietzer harah to look at pritzus.  Hashem cured him from his blindness, ayein shom.

Have a great night and win tonight!

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Re: BEING THAT TOMORROW WILL HAVE NISYONOS... 09 May 2010 04:15 #64367

  • zalmandovid
  • Current streak: 8 days
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Good Luck true Ratzon. Having drawn your own battle plan you are now prepared for whats coming your way. With Hashem at the head you can't lose!!
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Re: BEING THAT TOMORROW WILL HAVE NISYONOS... 09 May 2010 20:21 #64411

  • DovInIsrael
its hard enough for me to be on the street in E"Y - where they do dress modestly (mostly)

B"H  dont have to do the mothers day thing!

Ask Hashem to be your sponsor and carry you through the day!

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Re: BEING THAT TOMORROW WILL HAVE NISYONOS... 09 May 2010 22:09 #64422

  • Kedusha252
  • Current streak: 18 days
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  • Karma: 0
Hello Zalman Dovid and Dov in Israel and others,

Well, I got past the challenge of Mother's Day.  I can't say I didnt have some moments of weakness because of immodestly dressed relatives around me (to put it modestly and briefly I'm dealing with a young, attractive, female, non-blood related relative who wants to maintain an admirable yet respectful relationship with me).  It used to be that as soon as I would come home from any time spent with this relative I would be bombarded with lustful thoughts and it would almost always lead to *asturb*tion.  But today I wanted to have some careful thinking when I got home and realize that *exual stimulation is short lived and not worth it unless it's my own wife to be iy"H one day.
So instead of locking myself in the bathroom, *asturb*ting with intimate thoughts about this relative, I am venting with this forum post.  I really love the forum and so far any day that I have posted it has worked to keep my taiva in check.

Today I learned the four major halachaos of shmiras einayim and that one should not feel bad if he's being tested or can't fulfill a *exual desire.  Hashem runs the world and does everything for our benefit.

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Re: BEING THAT TOMORROW WILL HAVE NISYONOS... 10 May 2010 03:13 #64452

  • Chazak Amenu
  • Current streak: 378 days
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wow good points! i also had a brief mothers day celebration at my cousins house, i have a cousin who is the same age as i am who is a little below average in appearance and dresses modestly, even went to Bais Yaakov for most of her school years, and even though i am incredibly embarrassed, ashamed, disseminated in myself, and so may other things and i hate to say it i have had lustful thoughts and have fantasized along with...you know. but today and other time our families have gotten together recently i try and avoid having anything to do with her while not looking like i am ignoring her or anything today i mostly stayed outside and kept to myself so it was a success!
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Re: BEING THAT TOMORROW WILL HAVE NISYONOS... 10 May 2010 19:26 #64589

  • Kedusha252
  • Current streak: 18 days
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  • Karma: 0
Dear forum members,

Hi Chazak Ameinu.  Thank for sharing your similar experience with me.
Today I learned two things:
1.) It's human nature to have lustful feelings and thoughts, we just need to control them...
2.) We should always be besimcha in this fight!

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Re: BEING THAT TOMORROW WILL HAVE NISYONOS... 11 May 2010 20:25 #64777

  • Kedusha252
  • Current streak: 18 days
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  • Karma: 0
Dear members of the forum,

Today I learned two things:
1.) Taiva can flash in a split second and despite all the mussar that a person learns it may not stop him from acting on this taiva.  Always keep that in mind.  Al ta'amin b'atzmicha ad yom moscha.
2.) When encountered with a sight of pritzus that seems too drawing to overlook and you feel so so pulled to look and gaze, try to think of one other beautiful thing that is mutar to behold in your mind.  Think of a sefer Torah, think of a sunset, think of an ocean and all it's amazing life, etc.  That might help us appreciate something as beautiful to distract us from the foolishness of the beauty thats contained in pritzus.

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Re: BEING THAT TOMORROW WILL HAVE NISYONOS... 12 May 2010 01:21 #64821

  • silentbattle
  • Current streak: 1628 days
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Incredible that you've grown so much - I hope you feel good about it!
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Re: BEING THAT TOMORROW WILL HAVE NISYONOS... 12 May 2010 20:06 #65034

  • Kedusha252
  • Current streak: 18 days
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Karma: 0
Dear members of the forum,

Well, we all thought we were settling into Spring in New York, however, we've been experiencing March weather in May.  But it's supposed to get nice over Shabbos.
Anyway, just wanted to continue my posting on the forum.  When I post everyday I feel like I' doing something on a daily basis to grow in this fight and keep build on the notion of acharei hape'ulos nimshach halivavos.
Today Iearned two things:
1.) Always treat women th kavod.
2. ) If a person struglles with taiva and is pulled emotionally to women it means that he has a tremendous capaity for an emotional attachment to Hashem.

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Re: BEING THAT TOMORROW WILL HAVE NISYONOS... 14 May 2010 04:36 #65328

  • Kedusha252
  • Current streak: 18 days
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Karma: 0
Dear fourm,

Well, I was about to go into bed and call it a night when I remembered that I didnt post yet today.
Tonight I learned two things:
1.) Continue learning mussar
2.) Rely on Hashem for help in shmiras einayim and shmiras habris.

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Re: BEING THAT TOMORROW WILL HAVE NISYONOS... 14 May 2010 20:40 #65448

  • Kedusha252
  • Current streak: 18 days
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Karma: 0
A gutten erev Shabbos,

I gotta be quick because its erev shabbos.  I learned two things today:
1.) Try to make a cheshbon haefesh chart and fill it out everyday.
2.) If we control our taivas Hashem will shower brachos upon us!

Have a good Shabbos.

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