dearest Pintele Yid,
your name should really be
ende-tzadik ![](
as my cheder rebbe used to say "from the very tip of your head to the very bottom of your toes you
are kol kulo tzadik"
I too felt that the foundation for watching the eyes, is in that gemorrah of איכא דרכה אחרינא או ליכא דרכה אחרינא. it requires constant work to anticipate and paln accordingly always weighing one way over the other.
For example, I recently realized that the supermarket where I shopped was not conducive for
shmiras enayim so i had to make a decision, is it worth it for me the few dollars that i"m going to save over shopping in the frum stores, (not to mention the mitzvah of וחי אחיך עמך!!) I decided that the convenience and savings of the supermarket doesn't pass the test of ליכא דרכה אחרינא and made up my mind that
bli neder in the summer I wont shop there anymore.
BTW I loved the analogy to the 2 types of boxer. Always fight smarter not harder!!! ב
תחבולת תעשה לך מלחמה "wage war with the YH with cunning only", I cant afford to slug it out toe to toe with him ,i found out the hard way when I go "head to head" pun intended, he will always win!
including the "rasha" designation which I don't think applies to our generation where Shemiras Einayim is the test of our generation and the Yezer Horah is putting all his energies to fight us
AWESOME- to me this is elementary and you are a true
ohaive Yisrael
you are
mamesh the Badichiver zy"a!!
the flip side of this is that when there is "no other way" for example at work etc, then your halachiclly considered an אונס which my rebbe taught me in
cheder is not מתיחס to me ( sorry for the
yeshivisheh shprach, it looses its lomdus when translated, forgive me
) [/i] and i don't worry about it as long as i don't intentionally take that second glance or derive any pleasure from it.