at that moment when i pictured myself on that slab the reality of how fake and limited this world really is and how trivial this yter hara really is, it was such an amazing feeling of clear headiness and at that time no Yetezer hara in the world could have bothered me.
Unfortunately, this mindset is not something you can successfully keep up. And if the Y"H wants to get a person, he just shleps him out of that realization.
That's why if you'll take a look around the site, even those who use the torah approach focus mainly on the things that LEAD to falls, and not so much on the actual burning taiva. The vast majority of nisyonos we have, are ones we could have avoided had we wanted to.
As I posted on Shlomo's thread, we also have to know how to fight him head on. Because he can attack us even outside our homes. But the main thing is to keep him out in the first place.