Momo wrote on 21 Dec 2009 06:03:
Kollel Guy wrote on 20 Dec 2009 19:17:
I just keep thinking this will one day haunt me when I become a Maggid Shiur or something (yeah right).
So what if you become a maggid shiur? I doubt you'd be OUR magid shiur (unless you were our GYE rebbe
). It would only be awkward if you met your talmidim or your rebbe at a GYE event.
The truth is, it's a stupid cheshbon to make. If I have something that will help me, even if only somewhat, I gotta do it. Maggid shiur or not. Leave that one up to H-shem. He'll be arranging my class list anyway, and if he wants it to be a certain way - nothing can help or prevent it.
It's just my particular excuse at the moment, don't pay too much attention to it.