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New Book on Sex&Porn Addiction w Jewish References
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TOPIC: New Book on Sex&Porn Addiction w Jewish References 474 Views

New Book on Sex&Porn Addiction w Jewish References 16 Jul 2020 13:51 #352650

GYE volunteer Allan Katz just pushed a new book about sex & porn addiction called "Hey! What about Me".

"In this book I will refer to this sense of slavery as “addiction,” while presenting the character traits needed to extinguish “these defects of character” as described in the 12-step programs. Plus you'll read actual case studies of porn addicts and how they overcame their addiction."

You'll Discover
  • Rabbi Samson R. Hirsch's secret to overcoming lust
  • What happens when we let religiosity get in the way of recovery
  • The opposite of love is not hate, it's.....
  • How shame erodes joy and hope
  • Is your addiction causing you to fear success?
  • The huge difference between sobrity and serenity
  • The Rambam's "cure" for negative character traits
  • How to rebuild trust in a betrayed relationship
  • Why we allow people to annoy us
  • How to trust a Higher Power, yourself and others
  • What is necessary to heal and change the direction of your life?
  • What sex addiction is really about.  The answer will surprise you.
  • The 3 blocks to intimacy learned from childhood
  • The 6 essential skills you must exercise when crisis occurs (and it will occur!)
  • How to find passion in life
  • How to free yourself from the bondage of the self.

Allan J. Katz is a Licensed Professional Counselor and a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist. He has a master’s degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from the University of Memphis. He sees individuals and couples struggling with sex, drug and alcohol addiction, porn addiction, internet addiction and gambling addiction as well as depression, anxiety, trauma and couples for healthy intimacy and communication issues.

Allan originated the GYE hotline and first phone group back in 2009 and continues to help GYE members who struggle with marital issues related to Shmiras Eiynaim. 

 Allan is the author of three books, Addictive Entrepreneurship dealing with the 13 secrets to a successful life as an entrepreneur and Experiential Group Therapy Interventions with DBT: A 30-day program for treating addictions and trauma.  He is the co-author of Help Her Heal: An empathy workbook for sex addicts to help their partners heal.


The world over, millions of people live lives of self-imposed slavery. Allan Katz has the key in his new book, HEY! WHAT ABOUT ME? and offers readers, time-tested solutions toward true freedom and emotional integrity. Break free from frenzied obsessions and compulsions and the robotic quest for immediate gratification and enjoy a new quality of life.  
David Lieberman, PhD, author of “Seek Peace and Pursue It,” “You Can Read Anyone,” “Real Power,” and “How Free Will Works: The Blueprints to Take Charge of Your Life, Health & Happiness.”

It wasn't that long ago that most people made light of the increasing amount of time people were spending on social media. Those who expressed concern were dismissed as old-fashioned people who were having difficulty adjusting to new technology. Likewise, there was a consensus among most therapists and educators that on-line pornography was harmless. In their eyes, it was only a concern for religious extremists.

In recent times the consensus has changed dramatically. More and more articles have appeared in professional journals raising the alarm of addiction to social media in general and pornography in particular. Therapists began seeing the havoc caused by these “harmless” pastimes. Digital life was becoming a substitute for real relationships. Sex therapists have conceded that pornography was not harmless at all; rather it was undermining the healthy sexuality necessary for sustaining an adult relationship.
The author is to be commended for writing such a clear and enlightening book that both highlights the dangers of addiction and points the way to solutions.

The book presents a wide array of 12-step & DBT based tools and techniques for dealing with these addictions. The suggestions are jargon-free, practical and without pretending it’s easy to implement. The book is hopeful without sugar-coating the challenges involved.

I highly recommend the book for those struggling with these issues and perhaps equally important, for those seeking preventive measures to avoid falling into the lure of addiction.
Ben Z. Sorotzkin, PsyD, Clinical Psychologist, New York

Allan J. Katz calls addiction “slavery to a substance, process or behavior.” Anyone who has dealt with any type of addiction knows this is true.  The question is how we find freedom from this enslavement. The journey can be harrowing, exciting, and frightening all at once.  Katz chronicles this journey, helping readers see that no matter what, it is always worth the effort.

Robert Weiss PhD, LCSW, Chief Clinical Officer at Seeking Integrity treatment centers, author of Prodependence, Sex Addiction 101, and Out of the Doghouse.

Available as paperback or ebook at http://mailchi.mp/allanjkatz/ztm0vcbin4.
There's Life Beyond Addiction
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