The Gemara tells us that were some Rabbis Who looked a woman and praised Hashem. The Gemara asks, it is permitted to look a woman? The Gemara responds that they had seen the woman by accident. Commentators explain that the whole life is a Nisayon. On the computer, Nisayon. On the street, Nisayon.
In the moment a woman passes don't look at her, Pray to Hashem like this: Hashem, I can look at her. In fact, I want to look. But, I will make your will and i will not look. Then, ask whatever you want: Health, Parnassah children, etc. and Hashem will fulfill it.
We all want to be Tzadikim, right?
There are many ways to be a Tzadik, like staying day and night studying. But, there is a equal and much easier way: The moment a woman passes, do not look at her. There, Chazal says, you are called a Tzadik. Also, your tefillah is compared to that of the Kohen Gadol.
In the time of the Beit Hamikdash, The Kohen Gadol entered to the Kodesh Hakodashim and said 10 times Hashem´s name "Havaya" (Yud-Kei-Vav-Kei). That in Gematria is 260.
We humans have 2 eyes. In Hebrew, the word eye (Ayin) is in Gematria 130. Then, 2 eyes (130+130)=260, Just like the Kohen Gadol tefillah!
So, if we take care of what we see, Our tefillah will be just as powerful as that of the Kohen Gadol. It is a good advice the next time we are tempted, and the Yetzer Hara wants to make us fall, we will win, because:
"Maalin BaKodesh veLo Moridin" ("We ascend in Holiness and we not descend").
Beshem Hashem Naase V´natzliach, Amen Ken Yehi Ratzon. ("In the name of G-d we will do and we will success").
Contact: Yeshivaboy555(at)