Am I
- Somebody who has an addiction to shmutz, or
2. A shmutz addict
1. I have an addiction to shmutz. My brain learnt that using shmutz takes away negative emotions and keeps positive emotions going better than anything else. If I can just use mindfulness to teach myself to really know in my bones
- how to recognize triggers to anticipate cravings,
- that feeding lust cravings is not worth it for me in that moment,
- That I can just sit with lust cravings and they will always die down on their own.
Eventually the fire of lust will die down and the cravings will come less and I will be able to use mindfulness to ride them out every time. I won’t have a problem anymore!
I am an addict. I am a very spiritually sensitive person who cannot live without a conscious connection to Hashem or else I become unsettled to the core.
Living in my ego and not connecting to Hashem makes me miserable and sick.
Shmutz in the short term is for me the best thing that simulates the release and relief from my bodage to self that can really be had only through spiritual consciousness. This is because shmutz temporarily takes me out of my self-consciousness better than anything else by identifying with the women who are also coming out of their self-consciousness in whichever picture I am concentrating on. However paradoxically, in the end this just leaves me even more ego-conscious than I was before because by feeding my selfish drives I have gone further into myself and closed myself off from G-d even more than I was previously.
If I can just use mindfulness to teach myself how to
- be in the moment connecting with Hashem because each moment Hashem is recreating the world and this moment is our only chance of connecting with Him
- not think about the past or the future which is really living in my ego, shutting me off from connecting to Hashem in this moment and making me sick with regrets and worries.
Then I will no longer feel unsettled to the core and the need to run to lust to relieve myself. I wont get those cravings for shmutz anymore because I wont have the miserable pain from living in my self-conscious ego anymore and closed off from Hashem. I will be in love with Hashem and run to carry out all the mitzvos and learn His Torah and not want to do any aveiros that may jeopardize that strong connection.