ok - here's the dope. some of this is from michelle, some of this is from my other experiences with therapy, and some of it is just my own thinking. What purpose does addiction serve? Because we wouldn't do it if it didn't serve a purpose. I guess you could say 'ayn adam chotay vlo lo'. Addictions serve to remove the necessity for us to feel reality, because reality for people with emotional problems is too difficult to deal with - so we obsess, we do things repetetively - over and over, we dont have to feel, we dont have to feel anything. In extreme cases, a difficult reality may lead to suicide. We have to learn how to feel again - so we dont need the addictions anymore. In my humble opinion, ALL 12-13 year olds are emotionally weak and can be formed very easily by their environment - that's why it's so important for a kid to have the right environment. If a 12 year old kid from the home of the godol hador sees a porn mag, you think he'll throw it in the garbage? Maybe - there are no 100 percent rules about anything. But usually he will devour it. That's why the age of the ben sorer umoreh is so important - we can tell from that age what will be in the future. If it is not dealt with at an early age, the emotional problems stick with us into adulthood, and we need ways to deal with it. Unfortunately, addictions is one of the ways. So there are all types of anonymous groups - debtors anonymous, AA, OA, EDA (eating disorders anonymous), you name it - and it's there. You want to come up with another one - drawing-on-the-wall-with-a-crayon anonymous. You know, eating can be an obsession not only through over-eating, there is also LACK of eating - this, too, is an addiction and an obsession. Some people won't eat one raisin because they think they're too fat. Emotionally healthy people DO NOT NEED addictions or obsessions. They will see a porn mag and throw it right in the garbage and say - 'TRASH!' Or they will enjoy their food without feeling guilty. Yes, there are people like that. At 11 or 12 years old is the last time we have control over our kids - after that, you better hope you gave them the right stuff, because if not, all sorts of things can happen, rachmana litzlan. Most addictions start at 12-13 years old, you think this is a coincidence? So what to do? Along comes AA and ingeniously sets up a system to help people deal with their addictions in the most brilliant way imaginable - it's nothing less than a stroke of genius. Anonymous group support, a system of steps. Where else can you find complete strangers coming into a room with people they never saw before and unleash their most secret of secrets? And break down in tears in front of total strangers? For the first time in their life, they have a safe atmosphere, where they will not be judged, where they can be understood by people who are going through the same thing they are. Because people who are 'emotionally healthy' can not understand people who are not. Even therapists who are not trained in addictions have no clue about addicitve behaviors. I should know, I tried. Michelle Rapapport is the therapist from Tennessee who introduced me to the 90 day concept on the phone call about 9 months ago. The 90 day concept has become the centerpiece of this forum. We have to thank Elya K. for asking her to be the guest group leader on that call. It was on that call that I took it upon myself to try the 90 days. And you want to know something? It works. It works if you work it, so keep coming back. Go to meetings, open up there, get a sponsor, you'll only be helping yourself and your family. The 12 steps are ingenious. Your life may be on the line. You think I'm over-dramatizing? You think people can't die from addictions? Just get caught with a prostitute when the criminals come in to rob her. If you're there, you'll get it too. There are people on this forum who got caught, and their lives are not the same. There was a story with a bays yakov girl who had to marry the person she was baby-sitting for because he got her pregnant - an 18 year old girl with a 40 year old man! And he had to get divorced from his first wife. (Guard, is that the way it went?) And some people are lucky, and never got caught. Which group do YOU want to belong to? Sometimes an understanding wife may be a problem, because it doesn't let the person hit bottom (so says Rabbi Twersky in 'Addicitive Thinking'). Try anorexia - you think this can't lead to death? Or bulemia, throwing up food, it can tear your esophagus and you can bleed to death. I'm sorry for saying these things, but the rashi in achrei mos speaks to us - the first rashi about nadav and avihus' deaths. This is d--- serious, folks.