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Remember R' Tzadok's Powerful Words...
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TOPIC: Remember R' Tzadok's Powerful Words... 1484 Views

Remember R' Tzadok's Powerful Words... 12 Feb 2009 15:51 #2998

  • Mevakesh Hashem
My dear brothers and sisters, warriors of Hashem:

The holy Tzaddik R' Tzadok HaKohen of Lublin writes (Tzidkas Hatzadik 154):

"Just as one must believe in Hashem, so too, one must believe in themselves!"

R' Tzadok goes on to say that Hashem cares so much about YOU thathe is "busy" with YOU. What YOU do makes a difference to Hashem in a BIG way. Hashem derives pleasure (K'Vyachol) from YOU when you do ratzon Hashem!

It  says in this week's Parsha (Parshas Yisro 19:9)  Hashem said to Moshe that after  Kabalas HaTorah, the Jews will "Believe in you [Moshe] too", and it says in last week's Parsha (B'Shalach 14:31) that the Jews feared Hashem and believed in Hashem and in Moshe, the servant of Hashem.

R' Tzadok explains that Moshe was the embodiment of the entire Klal Yisroel; There was a little piece of every Jew's Neshama in Moshe's exalted Neshama. Therefore, what the Torah is telling us is that each and every Jew must believe in Moshe i.e. each Jew must believe in themselves!

The Yetzer Hara wants us to think bad about ourselves. The Yetzer Hara wants us to think of ourselves as small and incapable people. The Yetzer hara wants us to be depressed and unforgiving of our past. the Yetzer Hara doesnt want us to believe in ourselves!

That is NOT what Hashem wants! Hashem  wants us to BELIEVE in our strengths, our capabilities, our ability to overcome evil and achieve greatness,

Each and every one of us, no matter how far we have fallen, CAN ACHIEVE GREATNESS!

Each and every one of us, no matter how deep we have sinned, CAN BE AS RIGHTEOUS AS MOSHE RABBEINU!

Each and every one of us has a piece of G-d in our Neshama!

We all believe in Hashem! We must all start believeing in ourselves!

We can all be great, not despite our past failings, but BECAUSE of our past failings!

"Shiva Yipol Tzaddik V'Kam- A Tzaddik falls seven times and gets up"  The greatness is not  despite the 7 falls, it is a result of the  7 falls!


Chazak V'Ematz!
Last Edit: by counter_clock.

Re: Remember R' Tzadok's Powerful Words... 12 Feb 2009 19:48 #3003

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 852 days
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Beautiful words from a true Mevakesh Hashem.
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
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Re: Remember R' Tzadok's Powerful Words... 13 Feb 2009 10:18 #3014

  • Ykv_schwartz
It is amazing when I contemplate my failings, I realize how much of my struggle revolves around the fact that I stop believing in myself. 
Last Edit: by unstoppable.

Re: Remember R' Tzadok's Powerful Words... 03 Mar 2009 15:49 #3497

  • Avreich
  • Gold Boarder
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I always felt that there has to be a balance between believing in your capabilities and "Al Taamin".

Chazal assered yichud, but did not asser living in the same city. (!)
Last Edit: 03 Mar 2009 15:51 by .

Re: Remember R' Tzadok's Powerful Words... 03 Mar 2009 16:45 #3499

  • Mevakesh Hashem
Al Ta'amin B'Atzmecha ad Yom Mosecha des NOTmean not to believe in yourself!

On the contrary, it means to be careful not to believe in yourself too much! You must also make Hashem a partner in your struggle and TOGETHER with the siyata D'Shmaya you can do whatever you set your mind out to do!

Chazak V'Ematz!
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Re: Remember R' Tzadok's Powerful Words... 04 Mar 2009 00:53 #3515

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 852 days
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Im ain ani li, mi li? U'chishe'ani Le'atzmi ma ani?

I saw an incredible vort from the Ba'al Shem tov on this. A person must know "Im ain ani li, mi li?" - If I am not going to take full responsibility for myself and do all that is in my power to succeed, who will do it for me?

But on the other hand, U'chishe'ani Le'atzmi - "between me and myself" I know deep down that "ma ani?" - "who am I?" It is really all Hashem's doing....
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
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Re: Remember R' Tzadok's Powerful Words... 12 Mar 2009 17:53 #3721

  • Avreich
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 237
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Except for one thing, very beautifully presented ma'amar from R' Tzodok. ( I will have to read it more closely again as I am in a rush and did not really read it properly.)

One mistake which is made here and I seem to have heard this often. Chelek Elokah Milma'aloh --- does NOT chas ve'sholom mean that G-d has "pieces". He is the true Echod. We have to understand what "Chelek Elokah Milama'aloh means.
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