To try to break this addiction or bite into it for more than one day at a time is defeating. It is overwhelming to see yourself staying clean for a long stretch of time. It boggles the mind and it can totally put you off trying.
Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler wrote :
The past is only memories
The future is but illusory hopes
Focus on the present for that is where your life really is
And it consists entirely of challenges
In reality we only live one moment at a time.
"We never have to deal with future in the future, we only have to deal with the future in the present". Serenity by Zelig Pliskin
A famous general once said "Courage is fear holding on another minute." Courage by Zelig Pliskin
"One must realize that every day is its own world and it's own battle ". Holy Nation
Rebbe Nachman says to live only this moment to its, fullest. If you live one moment at a time then a week, a month or even a year are all the same. (a chain of moments)
If you think it is unrealistic to live one day at a time, in my opinion it is even more unrealistic to try to tackle life's challenges even for days at a time, never mind months and years. One day at a time, every day.