I had some tests over the past few days and the thing that really saved me was G-d, but I didn't notice that and what really helped me were the mitzvas from the first four chapters of Mishna Berurah. There is a lot of good stuff in there for someone trying to learn sanity.
There's a comment later that someone who isn't careful about the matters around washing off ruach ra'ah that yotze mida'ato -- he'll (chalila) lose his marbles -- and I'm sure we're all familiar with THAT process, so...much better to do what we can to avoid it.
So it might be a good idea to review the first few chapters of mishna berurah. has english shiurim and summaries.
Actually, Rabbi Nachman seems to suggest that the main way a person learns to deal with bechira during "low" times is through can't hurt. (See Likutei Moharan 6:4)