Last night, on my way home on the F line, I was learning and all of a sudden, a typically dressed either higher teen aged or college aged couple entered the train. They proceeded to engage in a public display of affection, in a form of conduct that anyone here or in his or her right mind would call an animalistic and unbridled display of lust that was a prelude to what is called "hooking up" in the secular world. I decided after enduring their conduct for about two minutes to just walk to the next car, find a seat and continue to bury my head in the Gemara. Prior to coming to GYE and confronting my addiction and what triggers it, I would never have thought twice about moving my seat, but I feel that in moving my seat,I expressed not just a disapproval of what I saw, but also a realization that such conduct, whether depicted on the screen,, in print or in front of you, can be an enormous trigger in the wrong direction.