I'm finding that the only safe place for my eyes when i'm walking in the streets (even in some of the "frummest" parts of Jerusalem!) is on the 30-60 cm of pavement in front of me. Look outside of that tiny area and my radar starts picking up on and focusing me on all the sights.
I have to say that i'd let my eyes be hefker for quite a while now. All it brought me to was a deep depression. Looking at the pavement may seem depressing, but i know for sure that looking around just pulls me way way down. Can i walk around for the rest of my life just looking at the drab grey pavement? If i think about it like this, i'm sure not. But i can manage one day at a time. Just for today.
Walking along thinking of this, i remembered a tune from my childhood,
"ידים למעלה
על הראש
על הכתפיים
אחד,שתים שלוש"
And then i thought of a more grown up version:
עינים למטה
לכוף את הראש
זה שמירת עינים
אחד,שתים שלוש
Or how about,
עינים למטה
לכוף את הראש
זה כבוד שמים
אחד,שתים שלוש
Why am telling you nursery rhymes? I don't know myself. I just thought i'd share it. Perhaps we can make a bumper sticker from it!