Dear sweet 40 y.o. guy,
I have never suggested this before openly here, but you asked and here goes:
There is S-Anon, for spouses of recovering perverts (like me). My wife elected not to have anything to do with it, but I personally know more than fifty couples in which the wife is a meeting-going S-Anon member and know about many more wives of lust addicts who just talk with S-Anon women for guidance and help.
I have heard S-Anon's speak at frum sex/lust Addict recovery weekends (we call them 'Shabatons') and what they do is amazing. Truly amazing.
My only caveat is this: Do not do this for you, do it for her. If she wants support and help but does not know where to turn, tell her about S-Anon (they have a website, I am sure, and I can even set you guys up with a # for her to call if that is what y'all want).
But if you find yourself cheppering her to join them, you'll be sorry. It will backfire and she will likely never go there. Trust me, I know. :-\