I feel like a huge failure. In Hashem's eyes, my family's eyes, and my own eyes.
Here I am in my mid 20's with BH 2 beautiful children and a wonderful wife, and yet I have an addiction I can't get rid of.
Over the summer I started going to "massage places" where its obviously more than a massage. I never actually had biyah with anyone. I never did it with anyone but my wife.
I have sunk so low. I try fighting it every day. I feel like I have taken precautionary measures, yet it always comes back stronger. Almost seems like the more I fight it, the more I give in.
I know that GYE promotes reading the handbooks and calling in to the phone lines. Unfortunately, my schedule is so crazy that I am unable to call in consistently to the same phone line once a week. I read through some of the handbook after my first few falls. It inspired me, but the feelings of inspiration didn't really last. From looking at the forums I see that people seem to have success with the 12 steps. Yet, (no offense to everyone) I skimmed through them quickly, and I feel like just following what it says won't really help.
The truth is I even got a sponsor from GYE. I haven't been in touch with him for months. I get the feeling that the most he ever did was motzei zera and I feel in order to be helped I need someone who went through what I am going through. I need someone to call on when I am in a moment of weakness.
I'm sick and I know it. I know that it is within me to change. In the past, I was able to be extremely strong with regards to shmiras einayim and being motzei zera.
I am embarrassed and ashamed because I never thought it would go this far. What began as looking at porn in my teenage years has spiraled out of control.
I am asking for help and guidance FROM SOMEONE WHO HAD THE SAME SPECIFIC ISSUE AS ME. Its one thing to be motzei zera. Its a complete other thing to be married with children going to these massage places. I have no excuse. My wife truly gives me all that I need. I do it for complete selfish reasons. And I am addicted.
I am desperate to change. Tell me what to do and I will do it. You can private message me.
Please. I need help.